Example sentences of "it [modal v] not be the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 It may not be the first thing at the top of our minds when we 're , when we 're checking the thing but I think it ought to be checked for that .
2 The memorandum is useful but it may not be the last word .
3 It might not be the first occurrence , she realised .
4 It is perfectly clear that , while the defence of this country is the first priority of the present Government , it might not be the first priority of the Opposition if they were to make the defence cuts to which they have committed themselves .
5 It 'll not be the first man I 've seen after he 's tried to fill up a car with a lighted cigarette in his mouth — nor the last .
6 Mhm , oh no , it ca n't be the twelfth of November
7 Sorry , I 'm reading the wrong dates here That 's right , it ca n't be the twelfth , I must have meant the fourteenth .
8 It would n't be the first time .
9 There were questions he still needed to ask and it would n't be the first time that he had taken advantage of tiredness or grief .
10 I think she should have played a Tour Event before an exhibition event , but then again it would n't be the first time she has n't turned up for a Tour Event would it ?
11 It would n't be the first time Littlewoods had copied a successful high street idea .
12 It would n't be the first time .
13 It would n't be the first time that a man had lovingly supported a woman through crisis only to discover that when she was strong again his own need was to confine her in a dependent role .
14 It would n't be the first time that a man has been seduced by female beauty and been left the poorer for his pleasure , nor the first time Lotta has attempted by stealth to deprive me of something which I value . ’
15 It would n't be the first time , but I did n't say it .
16 It would not be the first time that it had done so .
17 It would not be the first to do so , though it would be the biggest .
18 It would not be the first or the last time .
19 It would not be the first time that a ‘ bad cold ’ has referred to a political chill rather than a runny nose .
20 It would not be the first time that a Court sorcerer had been lured away from the strong pure magic of Ireland and sworn allegiance to the Dark Realm .
21 Might he not be playing a far deeper game although not a new one , since it would not be the first time that the man who hatched the plot and encouraged others most ardently to join it , should be the very one to turn his fellow conspirators over to the magistrates .
22 The hon. Gentleman will appreciate that it would not be the first inspector 's decision that took some time to see the light of day once it had been referred to a Department .
23 The announcement was welcomed yesterday by Economy Minister Richard Needham , who said that Novotel was the first major international group attracted to Northern Ireland — but he expected it would not be the last .
24 It will not be the first match involving a South African representative side on West Indian soil ; symbolically that honour befell the Jamaican and South African under-19 teams who met in a 50-over contest yesterday just outside Kingston .
25 This public celebration is still usually followed by the private honeymoon , despite the fact that for many it will not be the first holiday they have had together .
26 Such advertisements cost money , and it will not be the first thought of a local authority , which has many staff and functions outside the SSD , to pay for similar campaigns .
27 Shame on me for this is the first issue of SR I 've ever read ( Nov ) , but I hope it will not be the last , for may I say , I think I may have at last found a space where I can be heard — most women 's magazines shun the type of letter I submit — not cosy enough for their letters pages , I suspect .
28 It will not be the last .
29 Motorola Inc is into volume production on its long overdue superscalar highly pipelined 88110 RISC multiprocessing unit , promising it will not be the last of the line .
30 It will not be the last .
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