Example sentences of "it [modal v] [adv] [vb infin] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It should explicitly amplify policies which have been agreed as part of the business plan .
2 It should only include items which increase tension as in Romeo and Juliet or give rise to more fun and happiness as in La Fille Mal Gardée , or enhance the general mood as in A Month in the Country where there is romance in the air and also a general feeling of frustration .
3 It 'll only attract people who 'll do little to help the economic life of the city and just make it horrendous for those who live here .
4 It was , therefore , given wide powers of managing and disposing of land ; but it could also develop land itself .
5 He decided to sell it because he wanted time to look for other things and because whichever organisation bought it would automatically attract people who would want to study it for different scientific reasons .
6 We know from the housing benefit system that there is a backlog of cases , I think hundred and a , quite a considerable number of people of where people are having problems producing wage receipts and evidence of income now and one dreads to think of the burden that will be putting on the letting section by erm inventing yet another system o of this kind erm I think people we know that people are wary already of applying for benefits because of means testing and I think that there 's that it would simply discourage people who really are in need from coming forward .
7 You would have put £10,000 towards a good cause — but it would only have cost you £6,000 , because you would have saved the rest in tax .
8 It will also give London its second international station for trains via the channel tunnel , whether they finish their journey in London or continue to the midlands , to the north of England or to Scotland .
9 But one local council says it will still prosecute traders who break the law .
10 It will then suggest influences which have led to its reconsideration , finally looking towards future developments .
11 Although the law imposes only base-line standards , therefore , it can nevertheless create conditions which increase the chances of high quality performances being achieved .
12 It can sometimes mislead people who perceive clearly the fallacies the metaphor invites and therefore reject it altogether , turning a blind eye to the true insight it encapsulates .
13 Representation 3 : This also portrays the board as a list , but it can only represent boards which have queens in the bottom i rows for some i , and none in higher rows .
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