Example sentences of "it [modal v] [adv] [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It may even threaten human health , mainly by contaminating water .
2 It may also inhibit spontaneous protest .
3 In so doing , it may also win new respect in other areas of physics , where many see it as a fascinating but over-costly irrelevance .
4 It may also have different siting relationships to some of these than the purely exploitative patterns indicated above .
5 One reason is that it may not leave sufficient motivation for the individuals to set about increasing the value of the company .
6 Legislation , however , is a dangerous invention : ‘ It gave into the hands of men an instrument of great power which they needed to achieve some good , but which they have not yet learned so to control that it may not produce great evil ’ .
7 The state rightly claims that its unitary tax is far less onerous than it was a decade ago , and hints that it may soon limit unitary-tax treatment to a multinational company 's American profits .
8 A co-operation agreement or joint venture infringes Article 85 if it may appreciably affect inter-state trade and its object or effect is to prevent , restrict or distort competition .
9 The order of subjects must be systematic and generally acceptable to the anticipated users of index or collection ; it should also facilitate effective browsing between related subjects .
10 It should also offer living experience of the life of faith — in the way it is organised and in the relationship of those who work and learn there , in its approach to pastoral care and guidance , liturgy , extra-curricular work , to discipline and to a concern and appropriate approach for those with special needs .
11 " We are of the opinion that if such action is to be imposed , it should also involve temperate timber , " he added .
12 I believe that there are ways of getting local people to participate in their own ceasefire with some help from outside , but it should not need mass troop movements to do it .
13 3 It should preferably have clear glass or plastic on all sides so that you can view the web clearly .
14 It must also make full use of all sources of energy .
15 Looking back on it today , however , I perceive how dated it is ; but , in the 1930s it might just have excited interest , simply as illustrating one direction in which a Marxian might , in his disillusionment , turn .
16 It might even bring British computer people up to the level of their more professional continental opposite numbers .
17 She 'd decided to go along with the FBI for a laugh , and because it might possibly help British Intelligence .
18 it 'll just say privileged instruction violation ,
19 Thought there was going to be a much look , see where it could eventually to control industrial air pollution from local industries .
20 It involved reading , the consultation of several books and resources , the study of visual or aural material , and the production of work or the answering of questions from all these sources ; it could also involve creative writing or drama , and small group work following productive discussion .
21 Although this disk is primarily aimed at the professional market like advertising agencies , broadcasters and newspapers it could also prove invaluable research material for schools , colleges , and local theatre groups .
22 For one thing , it could absorb a lot of expert resources and the policy gains might not outweigh the costs of investigation in many cases : it could also encourage rent-seeking behaviour .
23 After a review of the state of research , the government decided , in 1988 , that it could not justify continued expenditure of £100 million a year on a project with such an elusive prospect of commercial return .
24 Lamont told the House of Commons on Oct. 22 that legislation would be introduced to enable the Bank of England to refuse or revoke authorization of banks where , because of their international structure , it could not exercise proper supervision , and the government intended to initiate a strengthening of international supervisory co-operation .
25 The company was engaged in a delicate balancing act ; it could not afford first-rate machinery or transport until it had expanded , but it could not expand ( as a wholesaler at least ) until it improved quality through more sophisticated machinery .
26 Sun said it went to the Russians because it could n't find comparable technology anywhere else — the only other source comes from the US military , and according to Dave Ditzel , acting head of Sun Labs , ‘ It 's easier to work with the Russians ’ .
27 It could never take regulatory action on the basis of a criticism or a complaint alone .
28 It could never take regulatory action on the basis of a criticism or a complaint alone
29 But it ca n't stand high compression — a major drawback to power output .
30 If such integration were the aim , it would immediately have enormous resource implications in an already impoverished education system .
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