Example sentences of "it [modal v] [adv] [verb] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 It may look to some extent like the original , it may even retain traces of the original , but the many pieces that make the whole were added at different times and have been the subject of change and much repair work .
2 And it may also demand analysis of the constructions that a word may appear in , for instance , that a verb like want can be followed by the term for what is wanted , as in I want that block ; or by a clause , as in I want him to come here .
3 It may also disabuse ministers of the belief that people notice indirect taxes less than direct ones .
4 It may often form part of a series , although history teachers need not be tied to utilising the whole series .
5 It should also take account of planning consent already given , making planners consider communities as an integrated whole .
6 This overall model of Modular Course evaluation has to be definable within the framework of measurement theory and good evaluation practice ; but it must also take account of the needs and distinctive features of the Modular Course .
7 It must also take account of : ( 1 ) the market position and economic and financial strength of the parties to the merger ; ( 2 ) the availability of alternative products ; ( 3 ) barriers to entry ; ( 4 ) the interests of consumers ; and ( 5 ) the development of technical and economic progress as long as it is to consumers ' advantage and does not form an obstacle to competition .
8 Furthermore , the register of charges which the company is required to maintain may be more illuminating than that at Companies House since it must now contain entries of all charges on the company 's property whether or not they require to be registered at Companies House and copies of any instrument creating or evidencing a charge must also be kept .
9 To be successful , future education for headship will need to pay greater attention to the prime importance of the development and growth of heads as persons ; it must therefore embrace consideration of their values and assumptions , their feelings and their intentions , and their relationships with others as much as their professional knowledge and teaching skills .
10 It could also make process of up-dating too demanding to sustain .
11 It could not require installation of control devices on vehicles sold in the county until a satisfactory device was available — and no such device was available .
12 It could not get hold of me and stifle me ; for it would employ only my hands and a certain section of my knowledge ; the rest of me would be free : after office hours my escape would be absolute ; and then the holidays would enable me , according to my powers and my wishes , to live another life as different as that of Jekyll from that of Hyde .
13 One of the difficulties that results from these cuts and that tax has been that there had been so numerous that it ca n't keep count of how many times they 'd changed the goal posts , how many times they imposed cuts , but you know a lot of the government 's ideas are that it 's money , money , money , but it 's not all financial , it 's been physical and mental .
14 It would also include evidence of public opinion on the environment and of the public 's priorities for action .
15 It would also take account of the fact that evidence linking hazardous waste with harm to human health is uncertain , at best .
16 If you were advised to speak more slowly it would probably take months of effort , repeated conscious effort , before you succeeded in altering the speed at which you spoke .
17 However , at the start of the IAEA visit on May 27 , the government informed the inspectors that it would not provide names of foreign suppliers of equipment and materials — a key UN demand — and the IAEA inspectors left Baghdad on June 5 concerned that the potential remained for the government to rebuild its nuclear programme .
18 The only opposition party in Bophuthatswana , the National Seoposongwe Party , announced that it would soon become part of the ANC .
19 It would then suggest ways of meeting these needs in the short and long term so that the quality of the staff could be maintained and developed .
20 if the Convention were deemed to supplant the Federal Rules as the governing law on discovery from a litigant , in this case it would entirely deprive plaintiffs of a major tool of discovery against [ the defendant ] .
21 It 's easy to forget the neck in a cleansing routine but it will soon show signs of wrinkling if neglected .
22 It will reportedly become part of Project DOE .
23 It will also contain samples of paint , wallcovering , flooring , curtains and upholstery , so you 'll see just how the scheme works .
24 It will also contain samples of paint , wallcovering , flooring , curtains and upholstery .
25 It will also make implementation of the Directive 's detailed provisions into UK law relatively straightforward .
26 It will also take account of the successful introduction of DROPS — the demountable rack offloading and pickup system — which has made a significant contribution to the capability of the Royal Corps of Transport , given the quantity of stores that can be shifted with the available resources .
27 It will also provide part of the basis upon which to determine post-registration education activity .
28 It will even take account of the fact that some relevant objects may not be described as ‘ wooden ’ at all , but as being made of ‘ beech ’ , ‘ mahogany ’ , ‘ deal ’ or the like .
29 ‘ I will now beg leave to make some observations on the distance of the Veterinary College from the Town — first — because the Society has no rival to dread in an establishment of this nature — secondly — whether the Infirmary is situated a Mile further or nearer it will not prevent people of sense from sending their Horses there — thirdly — the resident pupils being distant from places of dissipation , it will protect their morals and they will employ their time in study .
30 It will not please members of the Prison Officers Association , who have kept me well informed over the years .
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