Example sentences of "it [be] a long [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There 's not much time for socialising as it 's a long day until five , plus work at home .
2 It 's a long pull up this hill , I 'm not going to run up and drop down dead .
3 Yeah but it 's a long story behind that .
4 It 's a long road from here to there — at least as far as it was from there to here via Jamaica !
5 Because it 's a long road from sad des desolation , being orphaned to true happiness .
6 I 've got some cyclists up at Haystock but years ago I mean when they coming up there , it 's a long road from Doncaster Market an an an deep old ditches
7 She said , feeling angry with herself , ‘ It 's a long drive to London .
8 ‘ I fancy it very much , ’ she said , and checked her watch , ‘ but it 's well past three and it 's a long drive to Lisbon , so should n't you make a start ? ’
9 Well , it 's a long drive from Essex …
10 And I thought I do n't know how she manages to back that down , but she does , and it 's a long drive like that int it ?
11 It 's a long way through the massive forests of larch and pine to Novosibirsk , especially if your travelling companion only grunts as he downs another tumbler of cheap vodka .
12 It 's a long way down fifty feet or more .
13 It 's a long way down Ray !
14 So the main reason , that 's just sorry it 's a long way of getting to it sir but , the main change in circumstance that the county is putting forward since nineteen eighty compared with today is that agricultural policy means that more farmland is being diversified and they feel the need at county level to have a sweep-up policy to control that process .
15 It 's a long way to Tipperary , Mandalay and Bedford Square .
16 The hit song of the year was ‘ It 's A Long Way to Tipperaray ’ but old Ireland was singing an older song and building up a hidden army .
17 It 's a long way to the pawnshop —
18 It 's a long way to the pawnshop —
19 And it 's a long way to where we came in .
20 After the ship 's foghorn had blasted out six times , they set sail from Dover , one thousand men huddled together on the deck of HMS Resolution singing , ‘ It 's a Long Way to Tipperary ’ .
21 " It 's a long way for him to come every time he wants a crap , said Eddie , running off before I could hit him .
22 It 's a long way from the back streets of Brixton to the green fields of Huntingdon , ’ he impressed on the county set .
23 It 's the closest we 're going to get to a rave tonight , but it 's a long way from the kind of thing Mister C is used to .
24 This is hardly a stream of invective and obscenity but it 's a long way from the stuffed shirt formality of the '50s interviews .
25 It 's a long way from completion , but Bill says he 's already approached ROBERT DE NIRO to play Elvis .
26 Ed Douglas looks at the continuing controversy surrounding plans to bolt parts of Land 's End and suggests that though the idea may be dead , it 's a long way from being buried
27 IT 'S A long way from the dark night vigils outside the Opera House when protesters railed against Godard 's ‘ blasphemous ’ ‘ Je Vous Salue Marie ’ and Scorcese 's ‘ Last Temptation of Christ ’ !
28 After all , it 's a long way from Manchester . ’
29 " Well , " the seneschal said , " it 's a long way from here to there . "
30 But I can assure you it 's a long way from the truth . ’
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