Example sentences of "it [be] [not/n't] [adj] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It ca n't afford to expend too much energy on a prey it 's not certain of catching .
2 It does n't it 's not good for building up relationships .
3 It 's not ready for rigging yet is it ?
4 A ‘ Unfortunately , whilst you can use this ‘ guestimating ’ method for the neckband and certain staple double bed fabrics , it is not suitable for stocking stitch .
5 Surrounded on three sides by railway , it is not suitable for housing because of the large concentration of industry around that area .
6 My research documents the importance of participative management when change is involved even if it is not necessary for managing the routine .
7 Her Birmingham background is hinted at and if you can manage a Birmingham accent it might be useful , but it is not essential in finding the character .
8 It is not helpful in telling us why individuals are where they are , and it is unlikely to give us real clues about possible future developments .
9 For women in particular , this last effect is particularly important as , when the body is producing an excess of adrenalin , it is not capable of producing as much of the female hormones as is normally desirable .
10 Although it might appears that this unit could be used to copy into EEPROMS , this proved impractical with my own computer because it is not capable of providing the longer write pulses necessary ( typically about 10mS ) .
11 A Xerox machine is capable of copying its own blueprints , but it is not capable of springing spontaneously into existence .
12 Contrary to some opinion , however , it is not possible for grazing alone to convert extensive areas of pure heather moorlands to other non-ericaceous vegetation , grassland in particular .
13 It is not rude in pointing out that she sometimes fails to apply it ,
14 It is not adequate for describing the task 's operators , nor does it suffice for description of the whole search space .
15 While Strathclyde records the highest numbers of the most serious offences , the survey highlights that it is not alone in suffering steep rises in violent crime .
16 ‘ Personally , I am disappointed that The Stock Exchange has indicated that it is not interested in following this route . ’
17 Three — it is not afraid of dreaming ; of going into new methods , new concepts , new ways of reaching people .
18 It can reach a size of 200mm and although not usually aggressive towards other fish , it is not averse to eating any small fish it may come across during its night time forays .
19 It is not averse to eating any small fish it may come across during its night time forays .
20 This it manifestly does , but it is aware that it is not unique in doing so ( whence the many references to Tristam Shandy and Jacques le fataliste , archetypes of the novel that undermines its own stated project of telling a story ) .
21 What I 'm saying is that an L E A can supply that sort of service , can do it really well , really well , and it is n't available to opted out
22 And to this day I shall never be able to understand why so many of my generation , by the time they were in their teens , had a mouthful of dentures because it was not due to eating sweets .
23 Although the combined crucible technique works well with copper , it was not appropriate for casting the other heads since their alloys are rich in both zinc and lead which are very volatile .
24 It emphasised that it was not concerned with reading alone , arguing that reading is not a discrete skill that can be considered in isolation from general language development .
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