Example sentences of "it [be] [not/n't] [adj] in [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Her Birmingham background is hinted at and if you can manage a Birmingham accent it might be useful , but it is not essential in finding the character .
2 It is not helpful in telling us why individuals are where they are , and it is unlikely to give us real clues about possible future developments .
3 It is not rude in pointing out that she sometimes fails to apply it ,
4 While Strathclyde records the highest numbers of the most serious offences , the survey highlights that it is not alone in suffering steep rises in violent crime .
5 ‘ Personally , I am disappointed that The Stock Exchange has indicated that it is not interested in following this route . ’
6 This it manifestly does , but it is aware that it is not unique in doing so ( whence the many references to Tristam Shandy and Jacques le fataliste , archetypes of the novel that undermines its own stated project of telling a story ) .
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