Example sentences of "it [be] [vb pp] that [pron] [be] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Let it be understood that I was not mad with you , ’ he said as a bleak expression crept into his eyes .
2 Similarly , if a person is able to accept supervision , how can it be argued that they are not able to consent to the medical arrangements given during it ?
3 Alfred Rosmer gave an amusing but enlightening insight into Bukharin 's character and role in 1920 , and let it be recalled that he was only 32 years old in that year .
4 Remember all these things at an interview and never let it be said that you are ‘ just a mother ’ !
5 ‘ Never let it be said that I 'm not aware of your good points , ’ he drawled .
6 It is not merely that there are portraits of him at every turn , for there are almost as many of Inglis , nor could it be claimed that he was the greatest lawyer , for he had many rivals for that title even in his own generation , yet it is beyond argument that he was the most influential advocate ever to walk the floor of Parliament House .
7 Lastly , just as people looking for jobs are advised to ask around and find out about prospects through the grapevine rather than from official sources , employers too , where appropriate , can let it be known that they are looking for a certain sort of employee .
8 LABOUR Party branch members in Crook let it be known that they are looking for new blood to inject a little life and optimism into their ranks .
9 Mrs Brundtland , Norway 's Prime Minister , complained about it to Mrs Thatcher and New Scientist reported that even the CEGB 's own scientists ‘ discreetly let it be known that they were annoyed by the final version of the video . ’
10 With your permission , I shall let it be known that you are in fact my lord 's bastard — bastardy , whilst it precludes a royal marriage , is no impediment to a good match , more especially when the bride possesses a sizeable dowry . ’
11 Nor should you be reluctant to let it be known that you are contemplating buying from another retail outlet , as the fear of losing a sale to a rival may well have a favourable impact on the price .
12 Once Tim Renton let it be known that he was not seeking reappointment , David Mellor became a strong candidate , not only for his passionate interest in classical music and football .
13 It was a subject Earl Mountbatten discussed endlessly with the Queen during afternoon tea at Buckingham Palace while Prince Philip let it be known that he was growing impatient with his son 's irresponsible approach to marriage .
14 ‘ I let it be known that I was n't dead ; that I was safe . ’
15 Wilfred lets it be known that I 'm not an unpaid curate . ’
16 Much more important , the interior ministry has let it be known that it is dropping its draconian controls on the use of photocopying machines .
17 She was working with a variety group and we laughed together when Sir Henry , who had still a lot of influence , let it be known that it was his wish that Miss Anne Zeigler married Mr Webster Booth .
18 Although the name of the sponsor has not yet officially been announced , it is assumed to be Olivetti who , when the restoration of the Brancacci Chapel was first mooted , let it be known that it was willing to underwrite the restoration of the ‘ Trinity ’ , Masaccio 's other great fresco painting .
19 The USA let it be known that it was prepared to upgrade the status of these talks if North Korea submitted to nuclear inspection .
20 No one member should always be the sole person to reveal himself or herself , nor should it be forgotten that there is no consistent pattern of when the process of disclosure is desirable and beneficial ( Chelune et al.
21 There are some whose function has stimulated less comment such as tweezers found in male graves ; if it were accepted that they were primarily depilatory we must consider their role in the alteration of the physical appearance of men and women as a cultural trait .
22 Except that it would embarrass him if it were known that he was involved with someone like her , whereas she was ashamed of herself .
23 They 'll go for small birds , insects and even worms — but then , it 's said that there 's as much protein in a decent-sized earthworm as in quarter of a pound of beef , so it must be nourishing , if not very appetising by most people 's standards !
24 It 's confirmed that you 're in it ,
25 They exchanged photographs before they met , but when I first saw him he looked years older and much fatter than in his photo and now it 's emerged that he 's 48 and divorced .
26 It 's estimated that there are over 2.5 million people in debt in Britain , their debts can range from getting behind on hire purchase agreements to substantial mortgage arrears .
27 Now it 's feared that there 's more than just the family fortunes at stake .
28 Robin Day told me he had seen her lunching yesterday with Ralph Grunte — it 's rumoured that she 's after his seat .
29 Derek Edwards spoke , too , of the presence of Charismatics in Orkney : ‘ It 's known that there is one social worker in this very small department who does belong to a Charismatic Christian Fellowship .
30 It 's claimed that he was secretly paid commission for awarding work to three firms in Italy , Germany and Norway .
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