Example sentences of "it [be] [vb pp] [conj] [pron] [is] " in BNC.

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1 So intervention can not be justified when another more appropriate person is available and willing to act ; nor can it be justified when it is contrary to the known wishes of the assisted person , to the extent that he is capable of rationally forming such a wish .
2 If this is an alternative , let it be aired before it is too late to act , for the quality for life of ourselves and for our children rests upon our careful deliberation and action now : We can no longer afford the luxury of complacency and continuous contingency reactions
3 Much more important , the interior ministry has let it be known that it is dropping its draconian controls on the use of photocopying machines .
4 No one member should always be the sole person to reveal himself or herself , nor should it be forgotten that there is no consistent pattern of when the process of disclosure is desirable and beneficial ( Chelune et al.
5 For soldiers , if it were done when 't is done , then 't were well it were done quickly .
6 ‘ If it were done when 't is done , then 't were well it were done quickly . ’
7 They 'll go for small birds , insects and even worms — but then , it 's said that there 's as much protein in a decent-sized earthworm as in quarter of a pound of beef , so it must be nourishing , if not very appetising by most people 's standards !
8 I do n't know what it 's called but there 's this bit where you go down on the floor like an anteater .
9 There is a rubber plant and another one — he does n't know what it 's called but it 's his favourite .
10 I know my hygiene rules at work , I 've got my du n no what it 's called but it 's a health and hygiene thingey certificate .
11 I Lone Wolf it 's called and it 's all about
12 No , Inner Space it 's called and it 's like a , a
13 They exchanged photographs before they met , but when I first saw him he looked years older and much fatter than in his photo and now it 's emerged that he 's 48 and divorced .
14 I think it 's finished as it is , he said .
15 Now it 's feared that there 's more than just the family fortunes at stake .
16 Robin Day told me he had seen her lunching yesterday with Ralph Grunte — it 's rumoured that she 's after his seat .
17 Derek Edwards spoke , too , of the presence of Charismatics in Orkney : ‘ It 's known that there is one social worker in this very small department who does belong to a Charismatic Christian Fellowship .
18 It is compounded when she is also young and childless .
19 While Labour seeks to simply snatch the language of one nation from the Tories , the danger here can only grow and it is compounded because it is by no means clear how far a reconstituted and emphatically ‘ un-loony ’ socialism may go in negotiating its own language of toughness on immigration and nationality , even perhaps on humane socialist repatriation . [ … ]
20 Since the legislation assumes the existence of the common law background we must first endeavour to ascertain the general principles governing this area of tort and then see shortly how it is affected when there is a trade dispute .
21 One escapes the old analogy only by submitting to another ; the role of logic , even when it is suspected that there is something wrong at the foundations of the argument , is confined to applying and criticizing concepts thrown up by the spontaneous process of analogizing .
22 This highlights the third qualification : the liberal-democratic type of government is one in which it is denied that there is any objective science of sociely or of morals .
23 Henry Fairlie wrote : ‘ The exercise of power in Britain ( more specifically , in England ) can not be understood unless it is recognised that it is exercised socially . ’
24 The rules for the cameras in committees are essentially the same as in the House , except that it is recognised that it is not possible to exclude shots showing the public , especially those sitting behind the witnesses in a select committee .
25 It is recognised that it is almost impossible to correctly identify the characteristics of fast growers at a start-up stage but once a track record of two or three years data exists selection may be possible .
26 1.4 It is recognised that there is a group of patients with tissue defects that can not be healed .
27 It is recognised that there is no rigid division between these categories ( the library and photographic services are used both internally and externally , for example ) , but for convenience they have been dealt with separately in this Report .
28 It is recognised that there is no easy response to be made by referring to the independence of Religious Education in Catholic schools .
29 It is recognised that there is a view of Religious Education in which educational principles will take precedence in deciding the appropriateness of the content to be studied over that which adherents to a particular faith tradition may consider essential and appropriate .
30 It is sipped or it is gulped ; sippers and gulpers , that is .
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