Example sentences of "it [be] [adv] [adj] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 So would it be more realistic to accept that a voluntary system is doomed and legislate for compliance ?
2 Coffin furniture was also exported to the colonies , it being so cheap to buy that it was unnecessary to produce it in far-flung corners of the Empire .
3 It 's rather nice to think that it happened in that way , that it was done overnight .
4 It 's probably true to say that some actors just do n't mix well with other actors or directors .
5 Unless you 're Peter Pan , in which case you probably believe in fairies as well , it 's probably fair to say that you are only young once .
6 Interestingly enough , even with a wide range of prices and types of hotel-style accommodation available , it 's probably fair to say that the majority of guests expect en suite bathroom facilities as standard .
7 It 's not possible to say that U2 sound like blah , which is great .
8 Inevitably , the save and sometimes the print facility has been turned off , and it 's not uncommon to find that a limit on file size ( in memory ) is also applied .
9 And well , it 's not nice to say that a girl is fat these days , but she was all ample proportioned we 'll put it like that .
10 To change from Mozart to Shostakovich in seven or eight hours , travelling to different country to do so — it is n't absolutely needed , but it 's not easy to understand that it 's not needed .
11 It 's fairly clear when you would use a book or an Overhead Projector or a magazine picture in your teaching and it 's not difficult to see that video makes a different contribution .
12 track , because it it , no other transport business er has er does has to have a business , which op owns both the track it 's operating on and the operating er facilities themselves , so the we 're not doing anything new here , what we are actually doing , and incidentally the German government and other governments are going down the same route now because it 's not true to say that others are n't privatizing , what we 're doing is saying that we are having a separate track authority , and there are a variety of reasons for that , er but the an and that means actually less investment by the franchisee himself , but he will have control over the th the track operations , because he will have a contract , with Rail Track , to deliver certain services , and if Rail Track does n't deliver them then he 's able to claim penalties so
13 He says that a substantial amount has been paid in benefits , it 's not true to say that they owe the tenants a large amount of arrears .
14 A spokeswoman for the liquidator of Continental , Cork Gully , said : ‘ It 's not true to say that the club wo n't get any money but at the moment we do n't know how much any pay-out will be . ’
15 He 's a very bright man , Michael Howard , but it 's quite clear that he 's much more concerned with grabbing the headlines and finding scapegoats , than with taking action through law that will actually improve the chance , both of preventing crime and of detecting crime , and then even more so , deterring people from re-offending , and it 's most distressing to see that when research showed that a particular non-custodial method of punishment is effective in perhaps fifty or seventy or eighty percent of cases , whereas prison is not , he goes for prison , he goes for picking on squatters , he goes for picking on the defendants right to silence so that we can see more people like er , jailed when they were innocent .
16 Who said ‘ it 's completely absurd to suggest that there is anything unprofessional in my friendship with the Duchess .
17 It 's completely absurd to suggest that there is anything unprofessional in my friendship with the Duchess .
18 Er partly because it 's completely impractical to suggest that all patients should have an expensive er video flow study .
19 Without wanting to appear cynical , it 's pretty safe to say that in the run up to elections , one expects the odd vote-catching ruse from politicians .
20 None of the six we tested included an invoice for the sample , nor have any , at the time of writing , sent one on later so it 's pretty safe to assume that the trial was free .
21 I think it 's also easy to argue that if you take money out of government allocation for service delivery greater than the amount that is necessary , then actually , the people that are getting in in in the sense of capital schemes , the losers are the people that lose out on front line direct services .
22 We can also recognise , as we did , at an , on an earlier paper that it is national government policy and increasingly so , to encourage the development of capital schemes , borrowing , we noted that in relation to transport and the availability of S C A's I think it 's also right to say that the government does set down the level of borrowing which can be entered into in in any one year , that is the credit approvals are controlled by the government and they do make them available to the County Council and to district Councils , so in a sense , the government is both saying that we expect borrowing to be a feature of a budget and also that we want to control , and restrict the amount of money that can be borrowed through the amount of credit approvals .
23 North Yorkshire offers excellent possibilities for challenging walking but it 's also good to know that there 's plenty to do close at hand when the weather turns moorland expeditions into exercises in masochism .
24 my Lord I think it 's also helpful to add that in the case erm , er your Lordship will find at er , maybe helpful if you could very briefly look at that judgment my Lord
25 As a historical footnote , it 's also interesting to observe that Novell went after Santa Cruz Operation Inc back in 1990 .
26 It 's also important to realise that air depleted of ozone can travel to other areas through wind currents and transfer the problem .
27 It 's also important to check that a trader who claims to belong to a trade association is in fact a member , and to check with the trade association that a code of practice offers what the trader says it does .
28 It 's also hard to believe that someone who would use a lap-top computer would forget where he left it . ’
29 erm I think it 's also true to say that if they came on Sunday and turned into the church hall for coffee and tea , they can smoke in there .
30 And it 's really good to know that there are so many applications in the , in the real world , medical and physical and , and otherwise .
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