Example sentences of "it [be] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] he " in BNC.

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1 Nor might it be much consolation to him , as he ran into the singularity in real time , to know that his particles will survive in imaginary time .
2 Aye , well it 's it 's , I suppose it 's all money for him as well .
3 It 's another dog like him . ’
4 Or let him acknowledge that while it is rational doubt for him as a liberal humanist to criticize the Buddhist , the Marxist or the Christian , it might equally be a rational doubt for the Marxist to criticize him as a humanist .
5 It is that memory of him that will stay with many English and Scottish writers , and for which my wife and I will always be grateful .
6 He does n't categorize in good , bad , and not so bad , it is all sin to him and as sinners , he loves us .
7 I have said before , and if it be any satisfaction to him I repeat it now , that if you attempt to enforce this Bill , and the people of Ulster believe , and have a right to believe , that you are doing it against the will of the people of this country , then I shall assist them in resisting it .
8 He either did n't believe her , or was so unused to accepting answers unquestioningly that it was second nature for him to delve into the nitty-gritty .
9 It was second nature to him now to note the time by the illuminated dial of his electric bedside clock before he had switched on his lamp , a second after he had felt for and silenced the raucous insistence of the telephone .
10 It was easy work for him .
11 It was all part of him again .
12 During his fishing time though it was sheer delight for him , his boys were always ready and willing to go to sea , bother U-boats etc !
13 But it was vigorous criticism of him in the 1922 Committee by Tory back-benchers which convinced Brittan — and Mrs Thatcher — that he no longer enjoyed the confidence of the party in Parliament .
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