Example sentences of "it [verb] be for [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ All it needs is for a journalist to go down to Abbotsfield . ’
2 Tranmere Rovers verses Swindon Town.Now all it needs is for the Swindon players to hold their nerve and hold on to their two goal advantage .
3 The more the institutions of representative government demand technical efficiency from administrative organizations , the more those organizations have found it necessary to employ specialists and the more difficult it has been for the judgements of the career officials to be resisted .
4 Little damage had been done , all it needed was for the cargo to be reassembled , but , while several tourists were rushing energetically around attempting to do this , the drivers of the carts had taken time off to chat .
5 All it needed was for the envelope to be stuck down .
6 During my blue period my life also seemed to become a lot more structured than it had been for a while .
7 It had been necessary to handle the appointment rather delicately , as when the post was originally advertised it had been for a boys ' school , 600 strong ; with the anticipated changes this would soon develop into a co-educational establishment of up to 1,000 .
8 The sky was clearer than it had been for a week , and massive , but hardly elegant , Storskarfjell stood out like a white tent .
9 Last time it had been for a length of dress material .
10 It was a fortress town and a trading centre , as it had been for the Romans 800 years earlier .
11 then that and he just bring me pack of cards you know er but er that 's how it 's been for a while you know if I thought well being a sh that that 's now we 've done it it 's a pity we 've not got , mind you I mean it can go potty again in a few years .
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