Example sentences of "it [verb] [prep] [be] [vb pp] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Occasionally it needs to be given direction .
2 It has to be said poodles suffer from something of an image problem in some quarters .
3 He argued that Dorset should continue to record unmet need as it had been doing in a pilot project , although the decision is so politically sensitive that it has to be given clearance by the politicians at their June committee meeting .
4 Sadly , the Macintosh is still slightly more expensive than an equivalent PC system — especially when it has to be made PC compatible by adding AppleTalk or extras like the PC disk drive .
5 Seamans said it was very rare that violence broke out at American football , baseball or basketball games , ‘ and what is the biggest concern is that it seems to be organised violence at European soccer games which is something we have never experienced , ’ he added .
6 SAS Institute Inc — it likes to be called sass , not SAS as in the UK 's Special Air Services — held its tenth annual European User Group meeting , SEUGI ‘ 92 , in Vienna a couple of weeks ago .
7 For this , it had to be given lungs , in the shape of open spaces , squares , parks and gardens .
8 It had to be learnt time and again by his descendants throughout the succeeding twenty centuries .
9 In , prior to ninety one ninety two which is three years prior to now , a married woman was entitled to the same as that , it was , they did n't call it basic allowance , the same amount only if she was married of course and working , it had to be earned income .
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