Example sentences of "it [verb] [adv] [vb infin] [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 De Havilland , a British company , designed and built the first passenger jet airplane , but it did not analyze what the market needed and therefore did not identify two key factors .
2 Christopher Pitchford , QC , prosecuting , told the jury : ‘ Whatever their feelings were on the home of an elderly woman being broken into by a gang of drug-crazed teenagers , it did not give anyone the excuse to take the law into their own hands . ’
3 It did not specify what the components of the model were made of , but only their formal relationships .
4 Their nimble dexterity even made them preferred in the manufacture of buttons and in lacquering and japanning , although it did not bring them the wages of skilled male artisans .
5 Provided it was in the form of a thin whisker , it did not matter what the chemical nature of the stuff was or by what method the whiskers were grown .
6 What was more , when we plotted , not strength but breaking strain , against thickness , we found that it did not matter what the whiskers were made of , for they all plotted on the same curve .
7 It did not matter what the man looked like , but he should be listened to .
8 But , when we came back , yes , there 's a sign there , but it did n't tell you the other side , you have to come
9 ‘ When you bullied me into this … charade , ’ she spat the words out , ‘ it did n't give you the right to boss me about .
10 Thus he says of Ali , a member of Fatah , ‘ He knew I loved him , but it did n't make him the slightest bit arrogant .
11 ‘ Yeh , ’ she said , knowing it did n't matter what the question had been .
12 I pointed out that it was silly to argue over such good fortune — that if she was getting so much pleasure , it did n't matter what the cause was !
13 And it did n't matter what the music was like , it was just like a real person singing about how they feel . ’
14 It did n't matter what the weather was like .
15 It did n't matter what the words were .
16 This gives us , if we know the date of the award ( which is easy to discover ) , the exact date of all the external fences or hedges , but it does not tell us the date of the internal fences on the bigger allotments .
17 The council tax will treat widows unfairly in the same way , because it does not give them the discount that they deserve .
18 However , although we can keep this association in mind , it does not give us the whole picture .
19 It does not indicate what the velocity will be at the same point at another instant or what it will be at any other geometrically similar point ( i.e. a point at the same distance from the axis ) .
20 That 's one thing here , will get them in and out , but I 've spoken to patients who say they do n't get the care here and , on the surface it looks a brilliant hospital , it gets them in and out , you know , it does everything , it 's got all the facilities but it does n't give them the care .
21 Still , she thought as she closed the door of the trophy-room , it does n't give him the right to treat me like — She bit off the dreadful word that sprang to mind .
22 Well okay it might be obvious but it does n't give you the right answer .
23 He said , but he said it does n't give us the excuse of not paying the invoices on time , and he said erm I have warned him for it this morning and he said he will process it , and he said the cheque will be in the post here on Monday .
24 In fact , it does n't matter what the thought is , what predicate I ascribe to them , just that they are the object of some kind of thought .
25 It does n't matter what the source is , ’ he added .
26 IF you have no money in your pocket , it does n't matter what the rates are .
27 If you have no money in your pocket it does n't matter what the rates are .
28 It does n't matter what the conversation is about : however inconsequential it seems , treat it as though all of it is important .
29 And really , because the story ends there , it does n't matter what the characters do with it : the point is , what does the reader do with it ?
30 What you 're looking in any formula say from a carbon compound you would be looking for that was bonded to four different groups , it does n't matter what the groups are , it does n't matter how big , how small they are
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