Example sentences of "it [verb] [pron] [prep] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 if it goes anything like that plan , I think that that carport looks hideous , actually .
2 It prides itself on this fact and points out in its brochure that while a large group can offer a wide range of services ‘ many of which you are unlikely to want … its investment managers suffer from real problems and conflicts of interest : supporting in-house issues , buying in-house unit trusts , helping its market makers and churning portfolios ’ .
3 Whilst other sections of the population are clearly severely affected by these government policies , disabled people experience these particular ‘ reforms ’ as an attack on their human right not to be incarcerated without trial and conviction , in so far as it renders it in some cases impossible to live outside institutions .
4 A human if it met one in this spot ,
5 The decision we made was careful , it involved us in much work , and it was , in the event , I think , a seriously mistaken decision .
6 But if , if libido was aroused by for example seduction in childhood it could go nowhere , it was repressed in the unconscious , where it transformed itself by some kind of psychological chemistry into anxiety .
7 In modern clinical psychoanalysis it manifests itself as that part of the ego which represents a critical self-awareness which is both censorious and exhortatory , being the representative of standards , ideals , commands and prohibitions .
8 Unless it starts us down that road fairly quickly , the people of the north-east and the other regions will not want to follow .
9 Like psychotherapy , it places itself outside these relations .
10 Ya so that if the goes up to thirty thousand the reserve might be large enough to give it to sell it for that price .
11 Yeah what was it costing us for that weekend ?
12 It based itself in that connection on Brugnoni v. Cassa di Risparmio di Genova e Imperia ( Case 157/85 ) [ 1986 ] E.C.R. 2013 relating to the interpretation of article 2 of the Directive , which , in the Commission 's view , was not different in substance from article 1 .
13 Gedge explained its meaning to Splutter fanzine : ‘ It concerns itself with those factors which cause men to conform to a particular form of sexual stereotyping .
14 Since DOL is hopefully making a comeback this evening for the reserves it leads me to this question .
15 So with you mentioning leather then it leads me onto another question erm was there much done in the way of leather work in the Caldmore area ?
16 Seven minutes is what it takes me at this time in the evening ; eight , sometimes nine , coming the opposite way in the morning , to allow for waits at the two pedestrian crossings and the crowds coming out of the station .
17 They then have to try and unravel it and , in so doing , will find that it takes them in all sorts of different places until at the end they find a small present .
18 There is still a bus and it takes us to that hotel on the port .
19 Actually the solution to this minor conundrum is not all that difficult , but it takes us through some steps which are not relevant to our main line of discussion , and so we shall postpone it to an endnote to this chapter ( p. 79 ) .
20 It exposed him to some influences that were thoroughly unhelpful , but as a matter of loyalty , and nothing else , he would not discard the people who , he believed , had been of help to him .
21 When Molly joined him he would ask hopefully if she were feeling tired or , even perhaps more hopefully , as though it relieved him of all responsibility , if she had the curse .
22 In 1930 the moral majority ( not that it knew itself by that name in those days ) hit back against what it saw as the growing licentiousness and depravity of the movie industry and introduced a production code that all film producers would be required to adhere to .
23 It tormented me beyond all endurance , while at the same time the awful silence of the terrible prison weighed me down .
24 But it hurt him in some way to admit that one of his key men came from the wrong end of the Bible , so to speak .
25 Cleansing , if you like , is the next stage , it 's taking away all trace of the sin , it 's taking away the mark , the residue of the sin , it cleanses us from all sin .
26 And it worried me to that extent that I almost went without your okay and rang up Terry and said , please fix those blinds , because we have got blinds which cost almost two hundred pounds or something and or a hundred and nineteen pounds , and it seems they ca n't fix them .
27 yeah well you know it 's okay well you know I well you know yeah it 's just that it worried me about this meeting here and three people out of the five people in the room did n't realise that it was a reservations and booking service .
28 Does it mean anything to most children ?
29 If your dog tries to pick up pebbles , you must command it to drop them before any harm results .
30 It lead them to this house on Magdalen Road in Oxford … where law graduate Georgia Griffiths was living with her sister and two other girls .
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