Example sentences of "to be given [prep] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The University has signed the SCOTCATAgreement which allows credit to be given towards academic awards to appropriate assessed learning .
2 Moreover , the notice that had to be given to temporary workers was always the statutory minimum ( one week if , as was usual , they had less than two years service ) rather than the extended notice ( often a minimum of four weeks ) which many of the organisations had granted to their regular workforces .
3 Priority to enter the USA was to be given to long-term refuseniks and those with close relatives in the USA .
4 A HERBAL health remedy marketed by a North Wales business is to be given to Russian cosmonauts to help them cope with stress in space .
5 We regret the delay and we hope that the promised publication on Waddilove will be earlier rather than later in the current session , and that the government will take an early opportunity to publish clearer guidelines on its assessment of ‘ national need ’ for opencast coal , and the weight to be given to environmental considerations .
6 Special attention to be given to ethnic groups .
7 Consideration would also have to be given to other ways of gaining evidence of the skills implicit in the stated standards .
8 However , in a number of cases the courts have required special notice to be given to individual terms .
9 New issues and a new vocabulary bubbled to the surface of public debate , and different answers came to be given to enduring questions about who should govern and how .
10 " The Council heard a preliminary report from the Commission following talks with the Soviet government … with a view to drawing up proposals on short-term credit and longer-term support to be given to structural reforms . "
11 It may be apparent from the head chef 's comments that more time needs to be given to basic skills in the college 's scheme of work or that parts of the housekeeping syllabus need revision .
12 One would ‘ ring-fence ’ or protect the grants to be given to local authorities so they could not be used for other purposes ; the other would give elderly and disabled people in local authority residential homes the same social security rights as those in private or voluntary sector homes .
13 Another powerful financial weapon is the annual decision made by the government on the amount of grant to be given to local authorities to aid current expenditure .
14 I assure groups that have contacted me and which are concerned about over-regulation that I want a minimum of regulation and the maximum amount of discretion to be given to local authorities .
15 In 1651 the Dutch republic forbade its diplomats to accept gifts from foreign governments ; and in 1692 regulations were issued in Sweden which for the first time specified the value of those to be given to foreign representatives on their departure .
16 Mrs Rene Morris said she had been shown letters addressed to parents which said the form had to be given to head teachers before a decision could be made .
17 Further to Brian Porteous ' letter of 24 August 1990 I am pleased to be able to enclose the guidance notes and application forms produced by the Sports Council in respect of grant aid to be given to elected representatives on international sports bodies .
18 If it were for students in Writing , Publishing and Communications then more emphasis is likely to be given to editorial aids and to the structure of the publishing industry .
19 Consideration may need to be given to switching partners or departments to achieve this ; ( 3 ) inevitably , where the activities of a firm are spread over a wide area , problems arise in connection with the basic decision making processwhen , for example , partners ' meetings become more difficult to arrange .
20 But in the High Court , Parker LJ has stated that whilst the creation of an admissions policy is a matter of discretion for the LEA itself , that policy must enable consideration to be given to exceptional cases and therefore should not be too rigid .
21 I think there is a very real need for strategic guidance to be given by appropriate criteria being included in policy H two .
22 But it is unusual for personal care to be given by non-related carers ( Evandrou et al. , 1986 , Grant , 1986 ) .
23 It was the belief of many of its members that if explanations and theories were to be given for the facts collected in their natural histories , they were to be given in mechanical terms , specifically in terms of the corpuscular theory .
24 The reference to ‘ the application in the prescribed manner ’ makes me believe that it was contemplated that some form of summary process would be prescribed in order to enable speedy relief to be given in clear cases .
25 Lady Cumberlege spoke of ‘ an EC form which asked farmers to fill in the number of cows they had — ‘ figures to be given in whole numbers ’ ' .
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