Example sentences of "to be [vb pp] to [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 When opened , relates David Gieve in his bicentenary history of the famous tailors , it disclosed a small life insurance policy and a charming letter in which he said he wished the proceeds of the policy to be applied to settling his final account , and if there was a surplus he would be glad for Gieves to keep it as a modest token of his gratitude for a lifetime 's service .
2 His own duties appeared to be limited to joining his patrons in a drink whenever he was thirsty , which seemed to be often .
3 It is essential to belong to a major exchange organization , because buyers do not wish to be tied to taking their holidays in the same area year after year .
4 Above all , they have emphasised the need for higher expectations from society as a whole about what disabled people can achieve , and have argued for the necessary resources to be devoted to helping them achieve them .
5 Each of us has to be committed to serving our customers whether the customers are members of the public , councillors or other members of staff .
6 We may want to make the point that if we are to be committed to doing something about the global warming of the ozone layer then we will need to say when we will do it by .
7 A quarto is likely to need all of twelve inches , a folio correspondingly more , if you are not to be reduced to laying it on its side .
8 They say that they are following this course because bookshops are essentially ineffective in expanding their market and that it is unreasonable for them to be restricted to selling their product to us alone .
9 Instead many anglers seem to be dedicated to throwing their hard earned money away on super expensive ingredients .
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