Example sentences of "to be [vb pp] [prep] [noun] [is] " in BNC.

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1 The first thing to be said about mistake is that it does not usually provide a defence , for liability in conversion is strict :
2 The first thing to be said about Bateman is that he was a Londoner !
3 The first thing to be said in reply is a familiar Popperian theme : a clearly articulated hypothesis , which fails to match the facts in certain specifiable ways , can be a crucial stage in the development of a more satisfactory scientific understanding .
4 To have ideas like this one taken seriously and to be treated with respect is surely a reasonable request .
5 The selection of documents to be saved for posterity is as essential as it has been for the last 30 years ; it is not so much that computers can not store everything ( storage capacities are continuing to develop exponentially ) , as the consideration that to conserve everything makes the past unmanageable and impenetrable .
6 Any document which is to be served by post is properly served If sent by ordinary prepaid post .
7 Perhaps the most important point to be made about postverbals is to distinguish them from the adjectives in the last remaining position , the extraclausal adjectives , which occur in an identical sequence of syntactic elements , but which correspond to a different surface structure as in : ( 45 ) the two reformers persevered undaunted two stagehands appeared , breathless They have the different intensional structure :
8 The final point which needs to be made about ethnicity is that as a speaker variable it can not usually be isolated from social class .
9 The reason why changes ought to be made in language is to bring it into line with the way things really are .
10 Territoriality , dominance , and ritualized fighting all result in the fact , often noticed , that the amount of naked aggression to be seen in nature is less than the maximum possible .
11 ‘ We can only presume , ’ wrote Dr Foxley ‘ that this lesser or non-existent discount to be granted in Wales is as a result of the ‘ fiery nature of the controversy ’ over holiday homes in Wales in the past ’ .
12 Electricity Board engineers restored some power to the leisure complex this afternoon … but the effects of the weekend 's floods are likely to be felt for week 's to come .
13 To be irritated by criticism is to acknowledge it was deserved .
14 The feelings may be imagined of the pupil who rashly let fall a slighting reference to Sohrab and Rustum , to be answered by Lewis 's brandishing an old regimental sword of his brother 's which stood in the corner of his room and shouting , ‘ The sword must settle this ! ’
15 If we humble ourselves then he exults , and we exult ourself , he then has to humble us , and to be humbled by God is a fearful thing !
16 A final point that has to be borne in mind is that in order to make generalizations based on the type of quantitative analysis pioneered by Labov , a large number of tokens must be analysed ( usually thousands ) ; however , it happens that some variables that are quite salient in the community occur relatively rarely , and so we can not make reliable quantitative statements about these covering the range of speaker variables , even though they may be involved in linguistic change and may be important for historical projections on to earlier English .
17 The definition of high standards and repetitive routines to be followed in housework is a means of ‘ job enlargement ’ .
18 A unilateral right to require a dispute about the rent to be referred to arbitration is " an agreement to refer future disputes to arbitration " ( Arbitration Act 1950 , s27 ; Pitallis v Sherefettin [ 1986 ] QB 868 ) and the court has power to extend the time for service of a counternotice if undue hardship would otherwise result ( ibid ) .
19 THE most coveted trophy in North-East athletics history is to be auctioned at Christie 's in London a week today .
20 This is n't intended for the profound jottings which occur in the back of the van after a gig ( to be auctioned at Sotherby 's when you are dead ! ) .
21 The ‘ Bathers ’ is the second Cézanne on this theme to be offered at Christie 's this year .
22 THE first ever flower festival to be held in Monaghan is scheduled for St Macarten 's Cathedral from October 1-3 .
23 The fact that this was the first downsizing show to be held in Japan is in itself an indication of the major change taking place in the Japanese computer market , which has been even more mainframe-centric than the US and Europe , and indicates the strong power of the economics of small computing .
24 The line to be held in place is pinched between the rings .
25 The fact I used to be married to Ursula is completely irrelevant . ’
26 Meanwhile , the first single to be released on Expo is ‘ Forfeit ’ by a band called Fuel — coming to a shop near you just about now .
27 Although aridity is the dominant characteristic of the deserts of the world , the variety of climate , structure and relief to be found in deserts is large .
28 An oil painting of the Royal Perth Golfing Society playing on the North Inch in Perth , by the Scottish artist McNeil Macleay , and dated 1866 , is to be sold by Christie 's on November 19 at the Royal College of Physicians in Edinburgh .
29 Inpatient waiting times have long been the focus of attention , but for many patients waiting to be admitted to hospital is just the tip of a ‘ waiting iceberg . ’
30 God 's children , ‘ his sons ’ , are to be known as God is known , as reconcilers , or ‘ peacemakers ’ .
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