Example sentences of "to a [noun sg] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ That week orchestras around the world programmed the Adagietto as an elegy to Lenny 's memory , ’ Kaplan recalls , ‘ and while the precedent had been set by Bernstein himself [ he had conducted the movement at a memorial service for Koussevitzky and later at the funeral of US Senator Robert Kennedy ] , I was afraid that these ultra-slow , sad performances were helping to a trend into a false tradition . ’
2 In her article on British arts funding ( The Art Newspaper No. 17 , March 1992 , pp.1 2 ) Giulia Ajmone Marsan drew attention to a threat from a Tory Minister for Arts to the Arts Council 's freedom from political control .
3 Yet he had to spend hours of his time learning Greek iambic verse as a punishment for being rude to a master in a political debate .
4 They doubted if the public would respond to a call for a second general strike over what many would see as only the shooting of one man in a period of frequent shootings and violence .
5 In a fortnight 's time , when the company replies to a call for a substantial increase in pay and a reduction in the working week , John Hougham , personnel director , will probably throw that philosophy back at him .
6 Differences over pay bargaining in manufacturing industries between the three main trade union confederations and Confindustria , the body which represented private-sector employers , led to a call for a general strike to be held on July 11 , 1990 , just after the completion of the World Cup football competition .
7 The officer was the passenger in a Rover patrol car travelling at 70mph while responding to a call about a stolen Nissan 200 ZX Turbo being driven fast and erratically in Sunderland late on Wednesday .
8 Brombach confesses he gulped when he found it necessary in 1983 to invest 45 million marks to make a quantum leap to a capacity of a million hectolitres , at a new brewery on the edge of town .
9 A barn owl is n't strong enough to hold tight to a glove in a strong wind .
10 Where a loan or advance is made to a participator in a close company , the tax charged will be due without assessment 14 days after the end of the accounting period .
11 He pointed to a board with a broken nose .
12 For example , cutting a strong onion can produce runny nose , sore throat and stinging eyes , so a homoeopathic remedy made from onion is given to a patient with a cold and bad throat .
13 The allegation was that a doctor had been negligent in administering electro-convulsive therapy to a patient without a relaxant drug or restraining convulsive movements .
14 That 's as near as you 'll get to a guarantee of a good holiday .
15 The justification for this was expressed to be that it would thus be open to a court at a later date to review the matter of sex determination Ormrod J. 's decision , much cited and approved of in the House of Commons debate , evidently will remain the law .
16 Path a-b represents the approach to a problem via a conventional , logical , pattern of thought without attempting to introduce new and untested ideas .
17 Traffic was brought to a standstill on a busy stretch of the M-one today after cars and lorries became stuck in tar .
18 He brought the proceedings to a standstill with a stinging rebuke to the nations of the world and an emotional appeal for help to stop ‘ genocide ’ in the besieged town .
19 Mounting discontent came to a head over a professional insurance scheme which Fimbra attempted to force on all its members .
20 it came to a head in a charred violet point …
21 Parents should be held to some degree , not necessarily to a tune of a thousand pound , but they should be made in some way , to be responsible for their
22 er , yes my Lord , there 's the prior point that we er , we would submit as indicated in the skeleton of the eleventh of November that on its true construction , erm the central fund byelaw , article ten in particular er gives rise to a payment of a specified sum , ascertain sum , payable forthwith on demand , it 's rather like the example your Lordship gave of the Barclaycard or the cheque , if my learned friend is right
23 Schools , and especially primary schools , have always been regarded as essential to a concept of a complete community , and many schools have taken their responsibilities and opportunities in this regard very seriously .
24 These analytic shortfalls happen because , although associative initiatives address the ambiguities of subjective meanings , they often end up resolving them by referring to a concept of a unified subject .
25 And we can not explain more complex needs by appealing to a concept of a universal individual such as homo oeconomicus .
26 We now consider the ‘ costs ’ to a society of a moderate inflation rate .
27 There are two possible ways in which the bells can be arranged so that someone arriving at the door can signal their arrival to a person in a specific apartment .
28 But there was laughter at his response to a question about a reported split among the directors when he said that the board was ‘ united and happy ’ with the direction the club was taking .
29 But there was laughter at his response to a question about a reported split among the directors when he said that the board was ‘ united and happy ’ with the direction the club was taking .
30 It stands to reason that a firm would find difficulty selling advanced microelectronic machinery to a culture with a primitive agriculturally-based economy .
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