Example sentences of "to a [noun sg] [noun] with the " in BNC.

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1 Scotland have been drawn in the same section as Ireland and Wales and are looking to go forward to a promotion play-off with the winners of a section involving Germany , Austria and Norway .
2 Larger but still portable equipment can be clipped to a wall area with the profile of the tool painted onto the background similar to mechanics ' tool boards .
3 HUNDREDS of fascinating items from Glasgow Museums are being taken on a two year tour of Britain — thanks to a sponsorship deal with the Royal Bank .
4 It is known as a repo rate because it is equivalent to a repurchase agreement with the futures market .
5 When the revolution comes , will you string me to a lamp post with the rest ? ’
6 While Mayer was willing to finance films from Gainsborough if they brought him Hitchcock 's The Lady Vanishes ( 1938 ) , and would pay £150,000 for six films from Robert Donat , that did n't amount to a love affair with the British film industry .
7 And then look forward to a winter date with the man in the flesh at the Ulster Hall on October 19 .
8 I wonder if he left two minutes in hand , like me , to get from the barrier to a compartment level with the Greenwich exit , or three , or five , or whether he liked to arrive at the very last moment and leave a slight uncertainty in the air .
9 Then hit balls to a spot level with the first club .
10 This number had previously been given to a liaison unit with the R.A.F. contingent in France in early 1940 , and before that to a Bomber Command training unit .
11 Legacies increased by £538,154 to a record £634,736 with the estate of Cyril and Stella Green providing £250,000 of this amount .
12 You know , wash a car with one hand and feed a bottle to a tiger cub with the other .
13 Descend easily to a point level with the base of the stack .
14 This stretches from just below the wing fringe down to a point level with the centreline of the single chevron ; the joins are so finely stitched as to be almost invisible .
15 Twenty-five metres away , he disengaged the autoreturn sequence and navigated himself to a point level with the outside rim of the rotating Lift .
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