Example sentences of "to a [noun] in a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Yet he had to spend hours of his time learning Greek iambic verse as a punishment for being rude to a master in a political debate .
2 A barn owl is n't strong enough to hold tight to a glove in a strong wind .
3 Where a loan or advance is made to a participator in a close company , the tax charged will be due without assessment 14 days after the end of the accounting period .
4 it came to a head in a charred violet point …
5 There are two possible ways in which the bells can be arranged so that someone arriving at the door can signal their arrival to a person in a specific apartment .
6 Then she remembered someone taking off her nightgown , and a brisk woman in a white starched uniform saying something about going into the theatre — and she saw the doctor again , talking earnestly to a man in a long white gown who was pulling on a pair of rubber gloves … .
7 I have described him as a literary concept and this , as applied to a man in a dirty trench-coat moving in and out of sleazy beds and corrupt gambling dens , may seem to be rather excessive .
8 This is surprising since the European Court of Justice ( ECJ ) has ruled in that the refusal to engage a pregnant woman and a dismissal on grounds of pregnancy are a form of direct discrimination covered by Council Directive 76/207/ EEC without the necessity to resort to comparisons with the treatment which would be meted out to a man in a comparable situation .
9 The late Armand Hammer 's museum , which opened in December 1990 with a lavish $60 million building by Edward Larrabee Barnes ( likened by one critic to a consulate in a Middle Eastern emirate ) , but with only a $36 million endowment , has come under the management of the adjacent University of California at Los Angeles .
10 The motorbike was left chained to a tree in a front garden , but thieves cut through the chain .
11 The intermediary would then send a boy or servant with the cattle owner to ‘ search ’ for the missing animal , which would be found tied to a tree in a nearby forest .
12 Effectively , it boiled down to a continuation in a certain sense of the original situation , except that now the primal father exercised his authority not in the social group , but within the ego — he became a psychological agency instead of being a physical reality .
13 ‘ I want a nightdress to send airmail , ’ I said to a saleswoman in a fair-to-lousy cut-price shop .
14 For there , at the other end of the terrace , standing far too close to a girl in a pink dress and deep in conversation with her , was Guido .
15 The part-time actor was sentenced last month to a year in a tough drug rehabilitation unit on associated charges .
16 They may instead become increasingly determined to gain access to a school in a nearby LEA with a ‘ better class ’ of pupil , irrespective of how well that school is doing for its intake .
17 One could say that iron filings relate to a magnet in a different way from cork to water ; that a man , bat and ball have a different relationship from man , butterfly net and butterfly .
18 The firm represented Paula when she was given a conditional discharge for causing £570 damage to a taxi in a drunken rage .
19 It is understood Northern Ireland 's public housing body , the Housing Executive , was planning to move Ms Wilson to a home in a different location .
20 He rarely survived to the final reel , because the notion of Van Cleef nobly agreeing to a duel in a deserted street was ridiculous .
21 They swoop and scream to a halt in a narrow street alive and garish with neon signs over narrow dark doorways .
22 The undoubted economic recovery after 1933 also appeared to be coming to a halt in a new recession which began in the summer of 1937 .
23 Once they were a couple of miles from the Manor , where the woods were at their most impenetrable , she reined in Moonbeam and drew to a halt in a little glade .
24 Applicants should ideally have a minimum of two to three years experience of residue analysis in addition to a PhD in a relevant discipline , though consideration will be given to applicants with appropriate relevant experience ( Ref No 0722 ) .
25 And we 'll be looking for some general indication as to a location in a particular transport corridor .
26 There can be no objection in principle to a firm in a competitive environment seeking to differentiate its marketing from its rivals , and this may involve vertical restraints such as exclusive distribution or exclusive purchasing , as well as a package of rebates , loyalty bonuses , and discounts to retailers .
27 Compromise is essential : ‘ If your daughter wants to go to a disco in a nearby town with friends , but you are worried about her safety , negotiate .
28 But it , it was so varied that you went through the , the cities and the highland scenes where they went through the highlands and in the country and then you ended up with coming on to a crossroads in a modern , a futuristic city , where if you look down you , the pavements were elevated and you walked down to where all the models of General Motors were displayed as if they were crossing roads .
29 The intentionally childless married woman was likely to be well educated , employed in a high status occupation , married to a husband in a professional or managerial job .
30 Both types have snap-on terminals used to connect them to a detector in a similar way to a PP3 .
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