Example sentences of "to the [noun sg] is that [art] " in BNC.

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1 As these factors are examined it is important to bear in mind that a major advantage to the builder is that the financial risks of employing labour direct are transferred to the sub-contractor .
2 As we have already seen , the general principle regarding a wrong done to the company is that the company is the proper plaintiff .
3 The key to the system is that the inner tube is stationary while the outer tube rotates smoothly about 150 revs/minute .
4 The effect to the pilot is that the model has just made a half turn and proceeded to fly backwards ( Fig. 5.13 ) .
5 Of particular concern to the government is that the once guaranteed divider of Spain 's workers — Stalinism and the cold war — is no longer of any relevance .
6 ‘ Obviously , what has to demonstrated to the court is that the delay complained of has produced genuine prejudice and unfairness .
7 The advantage to the depositor is that the certificate is tradable so that , although the deposit is made for a fixed period , he or she can have use of the funds earlier by selling the certificate to a third party at a price which will reflect the period to run to maturity and the current level of interest rates .
8 The advantage to the offeror is that the warrants cost nothing and , when they are exercised , the company receives the subscription moneys .
9 The advantage of telling the story to the group is that a group of sufferers from the same disease can not easily be fooled , nor can they be harshly judgemental .
10 But what is peculiar to the doctor is that the successful action , the save , is seen to be brought about through the use of the esoteric skills for which he trained and which , by and large , remain untested and unused .
11 Tennis Courts The planning position with regard to the site is that the site should continue to be used as tennis courts .
12 Tennis Courts The planning position with regard to the site is that the site should continue to be used as tennis courts .
13 More to the point is that the Discourse indicates the scientism of the period : it is taken for granted by the lecturer that Turner ought to paint a tree of a recognizable species , for example , and assumed that portrait painters are after an exact likeness .
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