Example sentences of "to the [noun sg] [prep] where the " in BNC.

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1 Around Holly there was a wail of anger that seethed across the illuminated strip and reached up to the watchtower from where the searchlight dazzled them .
2 We eased ourselves along the channel out between the rocks to the edge of where the waves were breaking and watched a few big sets roll through .
3 As to the question of where the resources should come from , avoiding the easy ( albeit probably correct ) let-out of ‘ abolish capitalism ’ , I would say simply that the transfer of money to unpaid workers ought to be the next stage in the redistribution of wealth , taking precedence over ‘ breadwinners ’ pay claims , tax-cuts or ‘ family ’ benefit increases .
4 The aspect in question relates to the problem of where the extra means of production for accumulation would come from .
5 This remark did not , as his passengers might have thought , refer either to the condition of the road or to his not having thought on about Easter , but to the problem of where the other two were going to eat lunch .
6 Both men stood aside to let a big dark-green Jaguar edge carefully round them on to the forecourt of the house immediately to the left of where the BMW was parked .
7 Then I noticed that Helen had n't much room by my side , so I stepped to the left to where the grating should have been and slid gracefully down into the cellar .
8 As a result they flew out from the hive at an angle of 85° to the right of where the food actually was .
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