Example sentences of "to the [noun] that i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This afternoon , he has treated the House to an extraordinary collection of half-truths and inaccuracies , but he has not told us the Labour party 's attitude to the proposals that I identified in the statement .
2 The figure that the hon. Gentleman is quoting from the newspaper article bears no relation to the figures that I used , which constituted the best estimate that the senior chief inspector and I could give of the numbers required to carry out the policy .
3 The Minister referred to the figures that I gave on regional assistance .
4 ‘ Now I 'll go back and tell that silly little receptionist what a silly little toad he is too and if he does n't turn over the keys to the apartment that I booked and paid a deposit on I 'll scream all the way to his boss . ’
5 So , there 's me , in agony with me ankle , hobbling over to the hole that I 'd made in the wall of the office .
6 Within days , for instance , I 'd broken up with my girlfriend , because things came to the surface that I had been neatly burying away for years .
7 I was proving to the convenor that I 'd made a mark opposite that deliverance on which to call you .
8 Now to do that effectively I think it 's essential that I get you to participate in what 's happening so from time to time I 'm going to ask you to answer questions , sometimes by writing them down , sometimes by shows of hands erm sometimes by er reacting back erm to the questions that I ask .
9 But we now have erm following research by the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust in relation to the document that I have described as appendix eight .
10 The dead German sitting with his back to the wall that I had passed earlier on had slipped from his position , and was now lying with his blond head in the ditch .
11 The same applies to the examples that I discuss in chapter 4 : some of these show gross differences between social groups on the basis of hundreds or even thousands of tokens , which would not be apparent without quantification .
12 May I draw my right hon. Friend 's attention to the delegation that I led to the Lord Chancellor to consider the problem of bail bandits and light sentencing by Crown courts , and to the concern in my constituency that the Hampshire police authority is short changing the Isle of Wight in terms of the number of constables on the beat ?
13 This noticeboard had already played a significant part in my life : nearly thirty years before then it had displayed the result of my own first degree ( second-class honours ) ; a few years later had come the perfunctory notice saying my doctoral thesis had been accepted by the college ; and shortly after that an even briefer note to the effect that I had joined the teaching staff .
14 When I reached Ostend at midday on 16th there was no ticket but only a message to the effect that I had to buy another one .
15 I wrote to the effect that I did indeed look forward to life with him , and that my guidelines for living were the same as his .
16 We had passed so close to the Dutchman that I thought we must have run over his foot .
17 It was not until I wandered back to the harbour that I realised the wind had freshened .
18 I feel very inadequate if I ca n't live up to the standards that I have and I start to feel guilty as well .
19 I fumbled Lewis 's key into the ignition , the gauntlets handicapping my fingers and adding to the impression that I felt like a spaceman dropped into molasses for gravity training .
20 I started off at the s at the start I was er I was getting mouth ulcers , and then well I did n't get them to the severity that I got them with the sulfasalazine
21 When we were shown into the chargé 's office , I studiously avoided shaking hands or having any eye contact , determined to alert him to the fact that I understood and respected their religious customs , in the hope that it might make a difference .
22 I was not in the least keen , but when it became clear to me that my intervention would be frowned upon only slightly by my television clients , added to the fact that I had established good relations with George Elvin , the ACTT 's general secretary , it seemed to me that there might be some sense in intervening .
23 This was partly due to the fact that I did n't really understand what I was supposed to be doing and partly because I had a very intricate felt-pen and biro decoration to complete on my pencil case ( which obviously took priority over maths work ) .
24 I intended to resign at the A.G.M. due to the fact that I expect to be leaving the London area before the next A.G.M. but since no-one else wanted the job I agreed to remain chairman for as long as I could .
25 Due to the publication schedule of ‘ Contact ’ I am actually writing this before the AGM , so I ca n't say anything more about it except that I intend to resign at it , due to the fact that I expect to be leaving the London area , so this will be the last time you will hear about London Branch from me .
26 Never seemed to cotton on to the fact that I do n't like morning mists .
27 er comment about erm the chap not getting any any work , erm I think I can attribute most of my work to the fact that I do have a bald head .
28 Our metabolic differences were once explained to us by a Dyak companion in Borneo as due to the fact that I belong to the tribe of gibbons , whereas Lorne belongs more to that of the orangutan .
29 Will the Minister cast his mind back to the letter that he wrote to me last October — a soothing reply to the representations that I had made to him — pointing out that the Salford careers service , which covers my constituency , had forecast a shortfall of between 400 and 450 YTS places ?
30 I should like to make it clear to the House that I accept full responsibility for the actions taken in this case by officials of the Home Office and by my hon. Friend the Parliamentary Under-Secretary , who dealt with it .
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