Example sentences of "to they [prep] [det] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When they arrived the hospital team changed tack and referred to them about all matters with regard to the girl 's care because they were the next of kin .
2 Before this single , the rather distanced American rock press failed to probe deeply into the phenomenon of The Smiths and had constantly referred to them as some kind of wacko gay outfit , English eccentrics playing lightweight rock .
3 We always referred to them as those ladies of the stage .
4 The justification of the invaders , based partly on the doubtful assumption that proximity gave sovereign rights , but more specifically on the claim that the islands had belonged to them at some time in the past , bears comparison with the Zionist claim to Palestine .
5 The whole orderly structure of argument and assumption of course depended on slave-owners seeing the force of and benefit to them of these laws of development .
6 Within a few years , most Boards felt that the Consultative Councils helped to defuse individual complaints and to present a favourable image to the public , and were willing to defer to them on some matters of general policy of an essentially political or presentational nature , such as priorities in rural electrification or aspects of domestic charging .
7 People react in different ways to odours , for example most people would probably describe rural odours or odour from a brewery , perfumery , or fish and chip shop as pleasant , but not all , some would find them unpleasant , pungent even , especially after being subjected to them for any length of time .
8 The office of Earl Marshal was to all intents and purposes the heritable property of the Howard family , although it was lost to them for several decades after the attainder of the fourth Duke of Norfolk in 1572 .
9 It is because of this that they can play the role ascribed to them in this form of empiricism ; beliefs about our present sensory states can be our basis — can stand on their own two feet and support the rest — because they are infallible .
10 As in Australia , they were soon working flat out with people coming to them from all walks of life .
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