Example sentences of "to it for [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Listen , listen to me , when it 's finished , instead of putting it in the box we 'll put it on that other one and listen to it for a wee while
2 However historically authentic ( or not ) this account may be , what is clear is that Hungarians adhered to it for a thousand years after their arrival in the Danubian plain at the beginning of the tenth century .
3 I know I have n't anything to offer her and that it might be years before I could afford to run a house and give her the kind of life style she 's used to , so I would n't expect Sir Philip to agree to it for a long while . ’
4 We all lived on top of each other and at any time one of us was probably irritated in some way by one of the others , but Tom seemed to hold on to it for a long time , never expressing his resentment until he just flipped into despising somebody .
5 ‘ I fell for him at once and he seemed attracted to me , but that was all there was to it for a long time .
6 We have been looking forward to it for a long time , ’ said one oilman .
7 They seemed centred on one particular grave , so the Doctor stepped over to it for a closer look .
8 Erm that it it it will be erm that by law the County Council must consider any planning application which is made erm to it for a particular site .
9 On those grounds , the court in reply to the questions referred to it for a preliminary ruling by the High Court of Justice of England and Wales , Queen 's Bench Division , by order of 10 March 1989 , hereby rules :
10 Waggoner eventually concluded that the only way to see a whole tournament is to go to it for the entire week .
11 ‘ Stotting ’ has a certain ring to it for the waterfall-collection game .
12 THE Labour Party 's land policy paper , Planning a New Agenda , has been called partially flawed by Christopher Jonas replying to it for the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors .
13 The bantering tone remained in Surere 's voice but he added edge to it for the last word or two .
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