Example sentences of "to the [noun pl] [adv] in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , it should not be forgotten that , whatever may be said in the Maastricht Treaty , the European Court held in its Opinion 1/91 on the European Economic Area Agreement that , having regard to the Treaties then in force , the Community already had the objective of achieving European Union .
2 It will be necessary to look closely at the relief sought , and the grounds advanced in support , but it is convenient first to establish the background of statutory and common law to the matters now in issue .
3 The new ‘ TORSEN ’ differential ensures that all the power is delivered to the wheels directly in proportion to grip , giving you sure-footed security in all road conditions .
4 According to the regulations currently in force a grower would have to satisfy the following conditions in order to cultivate the Gamay today :
5 Given the central objective of this category of public interest immunity as ‘ the maintenance of an honourable , disciplined , law-abiding and uncorrupt police force , ’ given the grave public disquiet understandably aroused by proven malpractice on the part of some at least of those who served in the now disbanded West Midlands Serious Crime Squad , given the extensive publicity already attaching to the documents here in question following the appellant 's successful appeal , it seems to us nothing short of absurd to suppose that those who co-operated in this investigation — largely other police officers and court officials — will regret that co-operation , or that future generations of potential witnesses will withhold it , were this court now to release the documents to C.N.L. to enable them to defeat if they can an allegedly corrupt claim in damages .
6 They had to leave the two burning galleys , and a third , Lachlan 's damaged one , was sinking under them ; they transferred the men from it to the others just in time .
7 and Euston , I believe all those parish councils have written to the county surveyor , erm , wilfully the er H G V ban and saying how successful they think it is , now the proposals in this paper do n't have any particular effect on them , but I would want to pass on to the officers here in case it has n't erm quite registered , but this ban has been very much welcomed on the northern section of the A ten eighty eight where although it 's not a formal ban the affect on villages particular such as
8 He glanced back to the doors again in terror .
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