Example sentences of "to the [noun] of [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The multidisciplinary approach to the assessment of referrals to these community teams for the elderly is not associated with misdiagnosis of psychiatric disorder .
2 Knowledge of the effects of urbanization , industrialization and poverty proliferated throughout society , partly due to the efforts of Nonconformists like Rowntree , Cadbury , Mearns and General Booth ; fears developed about the industrial competition from America and Germany ; demands grew within the Liberal party for more state action with regard to education , public health and housing .
3 It relates to the calculation of pensions in this country .
4 In such a situation the possibility exists for attributions of meaning to be made to the deeds of members of the microsociety which bear little resemblance to the meanings attributed by the members themselves .
5 We shall distinguish attributions as external when made by members of the dominant society to the deeds of members of the microsociety , and as internal when attributions are made by members to deeds of their own or of other members of the microsociety to which they belong .
6 Their appellate jurisdiction was also extended , presumably by agreement between the Inns and the judges , to issues relating to disputes over property within the Inns : Rakestraw v. Brewer ( 1728 ) 2 P.Wms. 511 , or over elections in the Inns : Inner Temple v. Ince ( 1677 ) 3 Keble 835 , or over debts due to the Inns : Levinz v. Randolph ( 1700 ) 1 Ld.Raym. 594 , which could not by any stretch of the imagination relate to the duties of judges in relation to the administration of justice in their courts .
7 The Code draws attention in a preamble to the duties of lawyers towards their clients , to the courts in which they practise , to the profession of which they are members and to the general public , noting the potential for conflicts of interest to arise .
8 The bitterness of war put an end to the beautifying of houses for a time .
9 By the 1850s , Freames Mill had been turned over to the manufacture of pins by Perkins , Critchley and Marmont , who were there for around a decade and who later operated on a much larger scale at Wimberley Mills .
10 The main emphasis here will be on the City Code as it relates directly to the conduct of companies in relation to the Stock Exchange .
11 So although lexicographers may purposely employ experts to contribute to the compilation of definitions in more esoteric domains , it is nevertheless the case that more everyday words will have more widely understood patterns of usage that are reflected in both the definitions they possess and the manner in which they are used in a typical business letter .
12 Those opposed to the ordination of women to the priesthood maintain that it can not be seen as a legitimate development because it is ‘ closely related to the central doctrines of the Christian faith ’ .
13 With all the results now known for the elections to the General Synod of the Church of England , supporters say they expect the Church to agree to the ordination of women in the next few years .
14 We are used to the idea of exercises for our muscular body and even breathing exercises but the following are for our major internal organs .
15 Their local women 's group had met the day after the public meeting , and Sheila and Annie had had a fierce argument ; Sheila had been enthusiastic , Annie icy and antagonistic to the idea of wages for housework .
16 Several references have already been made to the support of ministers by civil servants .
17 In that case , which involved the transfer of patients and the lease of a building from one drug dependency foundation to another as a result of the local authority 's decision to transfer its subsidy , the Court took the same view that the decisive criterion was whether the business in question retained its identity and adopted a similar approach to the range of factors to be taken into account by the national court in deciding this matter .
18 Here Ms Gellatley agrees with him , admitting it is a useful addition to the range of meat-alternatives on offer .
19 A new co-operative venture with Shue Yan College , Hong Kong , was inaugurated , adding to the range of institutions in the Far East with which the Centre is associated .
20 More specifically , the Act made changes to the range of assets in which societies could invest , the services they could offer , and the manner of their future regulation .
21 to the extent to which regard should be had to the range of awards in other cases which are comparable such cases should as a rule be those which have been determined in the same jurisdiction or in a neighbouring locality where similar social , economic and industrial conditions exist .
22 His Lordship maintained that s14(6) did not alter the law and that " purpose or purposes " referred to the range of uses of the contract goods but not that they had to be fit for all these purposes .
23 There , the emphasis to date has not been on regulation per se , but on building a culture sensitive to the management of conflicts of interest .
24 MRI has already made a valuable contribution to the management of patients with musculoskeletal tumours and has become the investigation of choice for staging patients with primary bone tumours .
25 The effect of digestive enzymes is uncertain at present : no discernible modification is apparent using standard light microscopes and scanning electron microscopes , but there is a suggestion that the chemical composition of the bone may be altered by digestion ( Dauphin et al. , 1988 ) , and this could be species-specific , leading to the identification of predators by their chemical signature on the bones of their prey .
26 When the Forum for Educational Research in Scotland was inaugurated in 1986 , one of the aims was to provide a way in which teachers and others working in education could contribute to the identification of priorities for educational research .
27 The specification of assessment requirements leads in turn to the identification of individuals within the workplace to act as assessors .
28 The first draft provides guidance on the auditor 's responsibilities relating to the audit of figures from preceding periods which are required to be included in , and therefore form part of , the current financial statements .
29 Signals can be transmitted from the outside to the inside of cells in response to ligand binding , affecting second messengers and gene transcription , or from the inside to the outside of cells , modulating the binding affinity of cell adhesion molecules .
30 Alternatively , a new discovery might occur as the result of an accident , as Roentgen was led to the discovery of X-rays by the constant blackening of photographic plates stored in the vicinity of his discharge tube .
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