Example sentences of "to the [noun] [prep] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 The CPP , which was happy to go along with the election , seems averse to the idea of losing it .
2 A perceived event then is not in the same relation to the act of perceiving it as an inferred event is to the act of inferring it .
3 A perceived event then is not in the same relation to the act of perceiving it as an inferred event is to the act of inferring it .
4 Only in later novels does Brooke-Rose draw out the implications of this parallel ( i.e. the ‘ fictionality ’ or ‘ constructedness ’ of lived experience ) , but by pushing the possibility of psychological and ontological wholeness into ever more distant territory in The Sycamore Tree , she demonstrates a growing scepticism with regard to the possibility of achieving it .
5 I understand that , and I am grateful to the Minister for pointing it out .
6 He slowed the car , turning it off the main road down a narrow lane that led to the river before bringing it to a halt and cutting the engine .
7 NT would not appear on any of the bigger selling RISC processors — Sparc , RS/6000 or HP — for at least a year , probably two , said Michels , due to the difficulties of porting it to big-endian architectures .
8 Chemists initially make polyacetylene in the cis form , and convert this to the trans by heating it to 200°C in helium .
9 A generous flap at the top seals with two heavy duty press studs and a tab is attached to the flap for pulling it open .
10 There , the missing gene will be added to the marrow by infecting it with a genetically altered virus .
11 This is an attractive argument which seems to provide an easy answer to the problem by disregarding it entirely .
12 An argument against such flexibility is that the House of Lords itself , in respect of any case that it is seised of , lacks authority to remit the case to the court below directing it to re-open and re-hear the case .
13 At the Board of Trade , Beveridge , with Llewellyn-Smith , gave considerable thought to the problems of putting it into practice .
14 That is the difference between switching on and switching off , and switching on is an absolutely essential ingredient to the art of making it happen .
15 Conventionally , we would expect people to borrow up to the point where the utility gained from the last pound borrowed is just equal to the cost of borrowing it .
16 The plant can be anchored to the bottom by tying it to a piece of wood , roots or rock .
17 With the film over the clay , the design is then transferred to the clay by pricking it through with needles or pastry cutters .
18 ‘ Until now I 'd just … never got around to the process of losing it … ’
19 Contrary to what Tony Lumpkin believes , speaking for all those who have been subjected to the drudgery of learning it in school , grammar is not a constraining imposition but a liberating force : it frees us from a dependency on context and the limitations of a purely lexical categorization of reality .
20 Glasgow District Council decided last month to release its £90,000 grant for 1992-93 to the RSNO after holding it back for almost a year .
21 If you have fellow students , use the language with them also , recognizing it may not always come out correctly , but it can take away some of the reluctance you may feel in using the language , and adds to the opportunities of using it .
22 Mister was in the city to prevent and Investors in People award to the chemists for encouraging it 's staff to take vocational training .
23 Cats do often pause after catching their prey and momentarily release what they imagine is a corpse before settling down to the business of eating it .
24 Well she wa she 's not looking forward to cake , she 's she 's looking forward to the beauty of seeing it is n't she ?
25 In using a cognitive approach to the task of interpreting it may be possible to find a base for comparing the language systems .
26 Now that the legal framework for the rest of the century appears to have been set attention can be given to the task of interpreting it for governors .
27 ‘ One day , if I write my memoirs — the only thing I shall write well , if ever I put myself to the task of doing it — you will find a place in them , and what a place !
28 The country is in such disorder that a successor may be unequal to the task of putting it right .
29 pull the spent kicking foot right back to the body before setting it down .
30 She strongly approves of her brother 's attention to his second great house at Chawton , because he is ‘ proving & strengthening his attachment to the place by making it better ’ , even down to a ‘ solicitude ’ for the inadequate dimensions of a pantry door ; for an attention to domestic minutiae , if normally unstated , indicates a concern for other people , at least at one 's own level of society .
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