Example sentences of "to be [adj] and [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The reinsurers , particularly the lead reinsurers , need to be substantial and have the experience in both commercial and political risk insurance .
2 I do n't want him to be unhappy and have a breakdown .
3 Chris Patten is among the sceptics : ‘ Even if it ( investment ) were to be successful and encourage a 40 or 50 per cent increase in the use of rail , it would make damn-all difference to the growth in road traffic — it would just take a few percentage points off the top . ’
4 To be strong and to have a reputation for being so is a source of self-esteem .
5 As a result of reforms ordained at Cowick in 1323 , pipe rolls ( which recorded the shire revenues of the crown ) grew to be triple and quadruple the size they were under Edward I ; rolls and writs of the treasury of receipt increased by five or six times ; for the extensive Contrariant lands separate memoranda were compiled ; new calendars were introduced to record estreats , matters despatched at the exchequer and accounts to be rendered .
6 Yesterday things looked pretty hopeful but that it would n't take too long to get the whole thing sorted out , but I must admit things seem to be escalating and getting a lot worse now .
7 Blanche wanted to be clever and memorise the way his finger moved across the numbers but she could not maintain the concentration after the first four .
8 There are , as Mr Moynihan points out , only seven countries in the world that can claim both to be homogeneous and to have no border problems .
9 He could n't threaten the Soviet Union directly because the Soviet Union was a nuclear power and could n't be threatened er so the course of action he took was intended to be moderate and to secure the objective solely of removing the missiles from Cuba , not of doing anything about the Cuban government or the regime or anything of that sort .
10 He could n't threaten the Soviet Union directly because the Soviet Union was a nuclear power and could n't be threatened er so the course of action he took was intended to be moderate and to secure the objective solely of removing the missiles from Cuba , not of doing anything about the Cuban government or the regime or anything of that sort .
11 His distrust of the king was such that he had recently refused to attend or to do so without a large and menacing retinue ; now he agreed to be present and to keep the peace , while the bishops guaranteed his safety .
12 But they 'd had a thorough look through his life just to be sure and hit the jackpot entirely by chance .
13 What would it be like to be black and watch the election result in Cheltenham ?
14 With some people it pays to be deferential and to use a title until told otherwise .
15 ‘ So , Blacklock still believes her to be married and living the good life ?
16 I said so to Tom and he said of course this girl is n't all that popular with the men — that 's an important part of a production assistant 's job — and he said ‘ she 'd give anything to be in your place — to be married and have a baby ’ .
17 He wanted to be married and have a family and he said this way I 'd have to marry him . ’
18 For Poland to be effective and block the Tsar 's advance on Central Europe , it needed to be large .
19 Normally I ask for an appointment , but I happened to be passing and saw the lights — and the chopper .
20 There is no such thing as bad publicity , and sometimes the only way to force change is to be anti-social and become a problem which eventually the authorities have to deal with .
21 In planning public expenditure it is better to be prudent and make a deliberately cautious assumption on the growth of future resources . ’
22 The Secretary of State for Wales is trying to be helpful and to clarify the matter .
23 However , the AIB inspectors always try to be helpful and provide the coroner with the basic information he needs to establish the cause of death , but nonetheless , they sometimes get little thanks for the efforts they make to assist the coroner and sometimes they are treated in a rather off-hand manner .
24 The sweeping curve to the east on Hurst Castle Spit is due to the fact that offshore banks to the west of the spit cause approaching waves to be retarded and to approach the feature as shown in Fig. 8.25 .
25 It is evident from the comments made by the nouveaux romanciers that they considered themselves to be developing and integrating the formal experiments of writers drawn from a carefully selected modernist canon , suggesting that they judged modernism to have been incomplete in the French novel before their arrival .
26 Both these days will have to be self-financing and need a minimum of 30 people attending — therefore — please complete the slip at the end of the notes and return to the Office .
27 ‘ We will need to be passionate and chase the Russians , ’ he said .
28 I think he expected that to be the end of it , since he continued to be surprised and concerned every time lesbianism came up , in whatever form , over the following seven years .
29 ( 4 ) At the hearing the arbitrator may adopt any method of procedure which he may consider to be convenient and to afford a fair and equal opportunity to each party to present his case .
30 ‘ I want the club to be ambitious and reach the Beazer Homes League . ’
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