Example sentences of "to be [verb] by all [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 As the subject has to be studied by all pupils , it tends to become a forum for half-baked discussion of moral or social issues , in order that it may not seem irrelevant to the non-religious , or offensive to the keenly sectarian .
2 If girls are taught from an early age that science is a subject to be studied by all pupils , and is not ‘ only for the boys ’ , then some of the problems relating to girls ' under-achievement in science in the secondary school will be resolved ( Equal Opportunities Commission 1982 : 4 )
3 We received no checklists of basic topics to be covered by all tutors , and no indication that anything other than general exhortation might be insisted on by course organisers .
4 In the case of the language of young black Creole users in Britain , an analysis of at least some of their behaviour in terms of code switching seems to be accepted by all researchers .
5 Over a twelve-month period a field-worker 's persistent inquisitiveness is bound to become something of an irritant , and van Maanen notes how field-workers can not expect to be liked by all respondents ( 1982 : 111 ) .
6 Austria , Denmark , Germany , the Netherlands and Norway have already unilaterally imposed a 1 January 1995 deadline , and the German chemical industry federation , VCI , has called for a uniform phaseout timetable to be adopted by all signatories to the Montreal Protocol , who will be meeting in Copenhagen later this year .
7 The Wine Committee ( three to six members strong ) was to be elected by all categories of membership , so as not to be in contravention of the law .
8 The way he proffers his open hand before this difficult feat of balance draws attention to the vital part to be played by all heroes in classical ballet .
9 Hendrix performed his end of the festival set under what looks like a makeshift tarpaulin stage and the band , his largest ever , seems to be swelled by all sorts of hangers-on , stage hands wandering aimlessly on and offstage .
10 As some of the various meetings , especially the progress meetings , are likely to be attended by all parties it is necessary to arrange for the booking of boardrooms and associated facilities as early as possible as the availability of rooms of sufficient size will be restricted .
11 Both sides expressed opposition to Israel 's settlement of immigrants in the occupied territories , and endorsed proposals to hold a Palestinian-Israeli dialogue , to further the Middle East peace process and to facilitate preparation for a possible UN international conference on the region , to be attended by all parties including the PLO and permanent members of the UN Security Council .
12 The trials revealed a number of essential conditions that need to be met by all employers , assessment centres and candidates participating in the occupational competence assessment .
13 Ivan the Terrible had not only decimated their ranks during the oprichnina but had eroded the distinction between their hereditary property ( votchina ) and the conditional terms of the pomestie by establishing a norm of military service to be borne by all estates .
14 And , in spite of his position and background , ‘ human resource development is something that has to be driven by all managers , not just a personnel director . ’
15 The Australian government announced they would not sign the Antarctic Minerals Convention , designed to control any mineral exploitation there and due to be signed by all nations claiming territory there .
16 There is , therefore , a triangular situation to be resolved by all couples when establishing their marriage .
17 The core would consist of seven subjects , four ( English , maths , PE and RE ) to be taken by all pupils , the other three ( a social studies subject , a science , and a creative arts subject ) to be chosen from a short list .
18 They are to be taken by all pupils , but with three levels of study and award ( Foundation , General and Credit ) .
19 This is where the concept of social needs gains over that or legal rights , since social services are regarded as social utilities to be used by all individuals and families as necessary ( Smith , 1980 ; Wharf , 1985 ) .
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