Example sentences of "it must have [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Though his extravagance was well rewarded , it must have placed a severe strain on the house 's finances .
2 Not that she begrudged her sister happiness , but it must have raised a few " if only 's " in her own mind .
3 In addition it must have passed a special resolution making itself ‘ exempt ’ and that resolution may not be passed if it is a public company , a banking or insurance company or an authorised person under the Financial Services Act .
4 It must have looked a beautiful sight !
5 But on a rainy March afternoon in 1988 it must have seemed a million miles from home .
6 ‘ I was saying that it must have seemed a terrible invasion of your privacy to find a pair of binoculars locked on your deck earlier . ’
7 It must have seemed a heaven-sent opportunity with Mrs Figgis-Hewett shouting about breach of promise — if heaven sent is the word , ’ added Rose hastily , ‘ and our Mr Pipkin shouting about his rights . ’
8 It must have seemed a pardonable exaggeration in the political rhetoric of a young man who had joined the British Fascisti Ltd on 6 December 1923 and had seen the brave hopes of the movement degenerate into a crackpot collection of factions and rivalry by the 1930s .
9 I 'm afraid it must have upset a great many people at Thrush Green during the past hour . ’
10 BUDDY REYNOLDS ( Sound Off ) , October 27 ) it must have taken a real strike of genius to suggest that The Levellers ' manager bar their so called ‘ crusties ’ from their gigs .
11 BUDDY REYNOLDS ( Sound Off ) , October 27 ) it must have taken a real strike of genius to suggest that The Levellers ' manager bar their so called ‘ crusties ’ from their gigs .
12 It must have taken a long time .
13 So it must have taken a long while ?
14 It must have taken a full five seconds for him to crumple Des , but he needs another three to get moving , and by then I 'm at his side .
15 The excavator , David Neal , could not explain this as merely for domestic use and concluded that it must have had a public function .
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