Example sentences of "it must have be [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I told you I sleep in that chair , did n't I ? — It must have been about midnight because I 'd just watched this film and that did n't finish until half eleven .
2 We have seen what a struggle it must have been for men in the late 18th century to keep body and soul together — how much worse , then , for their womenfolk .
3 He drew her close again and they fell silent , Rachel reflecting on how hard it must have been for David not to have told her what had really happened between himself and her sister , then another thought struck her .
4 If it is it must have been with croutons , since those lumpy floaters were n't there when the liquid-lunch-from-hell embarked on its inward journey .
5 It must have been within inches of the goal because when Swift collected the deflection , he was running along his own goal-line for dear life .
6 I says c how could I ever forget it , I said it must have been near halloween , one halloween , for I remember her coming to the party and that 's how her and Richard met .
7 It must have been like Hell in here , ’ said Jimmy .
8 Since , as will be seen , Molla Fenari had almost certainly gone to Egypt for further study by that date , it follows that if Husameddin is right , it must have been in Amasya that Molla Fenari studied under Cemaleddin Aksarayi .
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