Example sentences of "it would [adv] [vb infin] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It would however produce a stress concentration of 201 among the molecules near the crack tip .
2 It would rather mount a protest over student grants ( probably in the UK the most generous in the world per student ) than attempt to frame a Charter of the academic rights which should fall to every student .
3 It would progressively develop the Cadbury code of conduct in a non-legalistic way by learning lessons from corporate wrong-doing .
4 The danger of this is that the fear of an award of damages against it would unduly encourage the authority to reach the same decision again , thus creating an appearance of bias .
5 Once the beer can had been invented , that is evolved , in one place , it was inevitable that it would eventually take the place of the bottle all over the world , though the process is still going on .
6 This is highly price sensitive information from which a conglomerate could make a profit or avoid a loss , but it would rarely constitute a breach of the the Company Securities ( Insider Dealing ) Act 1985 .
7 As this was a Bill that was passed for one year only , the refusal to pass it would effectively restore the Lords ' power over the government by taking away its legal control over the army .
8 The positive vote on IMF and World Bank membership and polling evidence showing growing support for Swiss membership of the European Communities ( EC ) prompted the government to announce on May 18 that it would immediately lodge an application .
9 If a newspaper commissioned a political poll based on the opinion of a single person it would immediately become a laughing-stock .
10 It would immediately become a project of prime importance , far too serious to leave any loose ends hanging free .
11 In a Channel 4 television programme it was alleged that whenever a major dispute comes up , it would immediately become an area for investigation .
12 It would also open the economy to world trade by allowing easier conversion of roubles into hard currency and repatriation of hard-currency profits .
13 It would also leave the neighbours of the incinerator plants exposed at least to UK wastes , and probably to some imports .
14 It would also give the landlord a right of action against the tenant for any breach .
15 It would also give an advantage to non-EC purchasers of European heritage .
16 It would also trigger the release of further credits worth $700,000,000 , currently held by various creditors pending agreement on an IMF-endorsed economic stabilization programme .
17 It would also facilitate the devolution of power to the regions .
18 But it would also miss the chance to coordinate efforts in the most strategically significant areas — such as engine technology — which the ‘ Big Three ’ have purposely excluding from USCAR .
19 It would also threaten the stability of the polity itself , and Gloucester 's public pronouncements in this period consistently present him as the defender of his brother 's achievements against the machinations of the Woodvilles .
20 It would also threaten the stability of the polity itself , and Gloucester 's public pronouncements in this period consistently present him as the defender of his brother 's achievements against the machinations of the Woodvilles .
21 It would also return the Park to its proper function .
22 It would also weaken the case , the building of third runway at Heathrow and lastly it would reduce the traffic on our already overcrowded road network in the South East and hopefully remove one of the arguments for widening the M twenty five to more than four , four lanes .
23 Other commentators claim it would also minimise the range across which budgets could be manipulated and resources deployed when unanticipated , expensive referrals are picked up .
24 This would , it was thought , avoid difficulties which might otherwise arise through local authorities failing to co-ordinate their activities , and it would also make the system more intelligible to the general public .
25 It would also ban the distinction between natural and artificial ingredients .
26 It would also represent a declaration that the conditions and the justice inflicted on him were an atrocity that should never be repeated .
27 It would also dissolve the Congress , whose mandate lasts until 1995 .
28 It would also explain the delay in releasing her after handing over the letters . ’
29 A spokesman for the Irish RFU , confirming it would also debate the plan , said : ‘ All countries are finding there is congestion with league fixtures and — in the case of Scotland and ourselves where we are trying to get the district/provincial structure in as well as a prelude to the Five Nations — that the pre-Christmas period is getting very congested .
30 The committee would be likely to consider a suggestion by Lord Donaldson that case separation might be needed where the public had an interest in the outcome of a case but it would also play a role as representative of those who actually used legal services , he said .
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