Example sentences of "it 's [noun] [prep] our [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But few sportsmen or coaches could be more explicit on this point than Haringey 's sprinter John Skeets : ‘ It 's part of our make-up , physically and mentally . ’
2 It 's part of our history .
3 It 's part of our heritage in a way
4 I think it 's part of our nature .
5 It 's part of our thinking not to be on an emotional roller coaster , ’ said Rod Davis , the New Zealand skipper .
6 Lawyers like me have to study people ; it 's part of our job .
7 We will know by the first of April this year rather more than we know at the moment but you 're right it can go up and down , but there are lots of budgets in Social Services which are subject to this and it 's part of our job to try and manage that during the course of the year .
8 Well firstly we need to it it 's part of our training .
9 Erm because it 's part of our training .
10 Twelve and a half million photographs are held in the archives of Popperfoto , the picture agency that 's just moved it 's headquarters into our region .
11 It 's peace in our time , as Chamberlain said … ‘
12 It 's time for our game . ’
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