Example sentences of "it had [verb] out of the " in BNC.

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1 The cottage , with its lichen-covered roof , looked as though it had grown out of the moor .
2 Everyone was hungry , but there was no food to be had for it had floated out of the village shop and away .
3 It had come out of the blue : a brief note from her , saying that she had to undergo a surgical operation .
4 The move is an about-face for Rabobank , which recently announced that it had dropped out of the race for the licence .
5 Earlier , the socialist Congress Party for Malagasy Independence ( Parti du congrès de l'indépendance de Madagascar — AKFM-Renewal , formed after the March 1989 presidential elections — see p. 36678 ) announced on Oct. 6 that it had pulled out of the ruling coalition .
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