Example sentences of "it was [adj] [conj] it [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Oh well , it was nice while it lasted . "
2 Still , it was nice while it lasted .
3 It was odd that it lay so far from the house .
4 It was rickety but it held .
5 It was sad when it died ; sad because of the memory of what it had been like when there was still hope .
6 When Einstein 's equation was applied to calculate the behaviour of the Universe on the large scale it was apparent that it favoured an expanding Universe ; however , this conflicted with the prejudice , then current , that the Universe was static .
7 The copper anklet was probably the only thing of value she had possessed , and it was curious that it had not been stolen , for all metal was valuable in the Black Land .
8 The theory was a good scientific theory , in the sense described in Chapter 1 : it was simple and it made definite predictions that could be tested by observation .
9 ‘ All the old clichés : it was good while it lasted , and so on .
10 It was good once it got going .
11 It was new to them , but they did not need to be told that it was good and it raised their spirits .
12 Well it was hot but it did n't come out quick .
13 After about three weeks it was noticeable that it had a problem with its mouth .
14 For example , when Rome 's first sundial was brought to the city from Sicily in 263 BC , during the first Punic war , and was erected in the Forum it was inaccurate because it indicated the time appropriate to the place whence it came which was more than four degrees to the south .
15 After two more attempts he tried the door ; it was unsecured and it opened into a little hall from which stairs led upwards .
16 It was disappointing that it had no significant effect on the tachycardia , but this may be helped by more sparing use of hyoscine butylbromide .
17 The authorities decided it was dangerous so it had to be knocked down .
18 It was dangerous because it left her at his mercy and as far as she knew he had none .
19 Even for somebody who spoke French it was a mouthful , and it was tedious because it had to be repeated each time one spoke to a Corporal or Sergeant .
20 It was pompous but it satisfied me .
21 And as I said , it , it was er , it , it , it , it was , it was denigrated but it had its own strengths , and the Margaret case er , is , is one of them .
22 It was interesting that it had once belonged to the Ballaters .
23 15–4 The body of Malcolm MacKinnon was found near Schouler on Daill farm and it was remarkable that it had not been found sooner as it was lying in the vicinity of a well from which water was being drawn daily .
24 That 's a bit like that thingy but it was bald and it 'd got a bad , ever such a bad
25 It was funny because it did n't go runny like mud .
26 A streamlined eighty-footer , it was obvious that it had been , until very , very recently , a dazzling white .
27 Rostov was not sure what purpose his stateroom had served previously but it was obvious that it had been occupied by at least four persons , all of whom had been possessed of diverse tastes with regard to the minimal decoration which was permissible aboard a ship designed for deep space exploration .
28 It was handy since it opened directly on to the parking slots for office staff , much prized and intrigued over .
29 It was bold because it conflicted with theories generally accepted at the time , theories that included the assumption that electromagnetic systems ( magnets , charged bodies , current-carrying conductors , etc. ) act upon each other instantaneously across empty space and that electromagnetic effects can be propagated at a finite velocity only through material substances .
30 In the bad old days of low-carbohydrate diets , many people did , indeed , imagine that those saintly ‘ protein foods ’ were calorie-free — I have even known poor souls pouring down vastly fattening cream under the mistaken impression that it was calorie-free because it lacked carbohydrate !
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