Example sentences of "it was [art] [adj] [noun sg] who " in BNC.

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1 And it was a young fellow who lives up Lane so I felt quite comfortable in saying I did n't think they had any young fellas who lived in Lane .
2 It was a Dutch hiker who came across her battered body at the side of the River Swale between Catterick Bridge and Scorton , near Richmond .
3 It was a male MP who first drew attention to this unlikely cause for concern : he noticed , on a night out , that when men went to the toilet , it took just a minute or so , while women were left queuing for what seemed like hours .
4 They were too modest , because it was a Labour Government who invented capping — back in the 1970s , when Labour said that the party was over .
5 As my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State said , between 1964 and 1970 it was a Labour Government who shut nearly 280 collieries .
6 I can not recall whether it was a Labour Government who set it at that figure .
7 It was a Labour MP who painted the most graphic picture of what it is like to be out of work in Britain .
8 In the times of absolute monarchs it was a foolhardy scribe who always recorded the whole truth .
9 These five were very similar to the Ipswich group ; all except one were women ; all lived alone ; only one had a closely involved relative ( and like the similar Ipswich case it was a working daughter who needed help to care for her mother when she was unavailable ) .
10 It was a little husband who 'd been sleeping under the covers . ’
11 It was a Militant councillor who found her alternative accommodation where she was later to give birth to her daughter , Claire .
12 The court heard that it was a nursing auxiliary who had spoken to her about Liam after finding him alone in his room and looking pale in his incubator .
13 Above the tomb there was a horse , and mounted on it was a Saracen knight who was trampling the tomb , over which his horse was urinating .
14 God particularly favoured the Scots ; and as it was a Protestant God who did so , the position of a Catholic queen was inevitably made more difficult .
15 It was a wise statesman who once said , ‘ Men must choose to be governed by God or they condemn themselves to be ruled by tyrants . ’
16 It was a senior nurse who came out to him .
17 Local inhabitants on either side of the Border were legally obliged to offer assistance to the pursuers ; but it was a brave man who opposed the Armstrongs , knowing that brutal vengeance would be exacted sooner or later , however much the law might theoretically be on his side .
18 It was the Lemarchand woman who would be hurting and probably fuming with impatience .
19 It was the Metropolitan Makarii who nurtured Ivan the Terrible 's hugely inflated notion of his office , and who prepared the dramatic ceremony which saw him crowned in 1547 not as mere Grand Prince but as unfettered ‘ Tsar ’ ( derived from ‘ Caesar ’ ) .
20 It was the working class who wanted to use their money for flamboyant display .
21 In one case , it was said that ‘ it was the 15-year-old girl who was the dominant partner in the relationship ’ with a 28-year-old woman separated from her husband , while in the other case ‘ a pretty 15-year-old schoolgirl skipped lessons to have a lesbian love affair ’ ; however the defence counsel said that her mother had told police she thought there was nothing wrong with a lesbian relationship and ‘ if it had not been for the age of the young lady , none of us would be here today ’ .
22 ‘ I think it was incredible that they took the line that they did by seeking to say it was the Prime Minister who should apologise and not the Daily Mirror . ’
23 In the event , it was the Prime Minister who made the most personal attacks on her challenger in a series of last minute newspaper interviews .
24 Well , it was the good Lord who directed you to supply my need , no doubt , ’ said Father Kipling , a trifle mechanically .
25 It haunts the pages of Adam Carse 's The orchestra from Beethoven to Berlioz ( 1948 ) , which conjectured that up to 1810 at the Opera the chef would ‘ hammer out the beat for the choruses and dances audibly on the floor , a table , or a music desk ’ Later in the same book Carse modified his stance , but concluded ( wrongly , as we shall see ) that it was the first violin who determined the ‘ interpretation [ and ] artistic side of the rendering ’ .
26 There was immediate uproar and they all said it was the other batsman who was out .
27 Hockney was easy to sell to the English , but it was the Belgian bourgeoisie who proved the best buyers of the bulk of the gallery 's art , the abstract colour-field paintings .
28 Centre-forward Tom White was Manager Bert Head 's primary target at Pittodrie , but he brought John McCormick back with him as well from the Granite City for a mere £1,500 — and it was the craggy defender who became such a staunch and resolute pillar of Palace rearguards and helped guide the club through to 1st Division security .
29 Now it was the Young King who drew back and , doubtless to their father 's immense exasperation , refused to accept Richard 's homage .
30 It was the young lady who now spoke : ‘ You wo n't remember , of course , I scarcely do , but years ago my grandfather brought me to this shop , and it was at Christmas time too .
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