Example sentences of "it is time [to-vb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 AFTER a decade of conflict between councils and the Government , Ian Lang , the Scottish Secretary , believes it is time to call a truce .
2 THE more scientists write to The Times threatening to vote Labour unless we give them huge sums of money , the more many of us feel it is time to call a halt to science .
3 Surely it is time to call a halt to all vehicles on the pavement .
4 Castors , as well as being a straightforward mobility device , also help with kitchen hygiene when it is time to clean the floor .
5 It is time to leave the capital and have a walk ; let us rise betimes .
6 ‘ We think it is time to kill the project off , ’ one official told New Scientist last week .
7 It is time to turn the tables and consider how the existence of life may have affected the atmosphere of the early Earth .
8 He says : ‘ I suggest it is time to examine the structure of the Federation .
9 It is time to examine the validity of this argument .
10 After dinner it is time to visit the bakers , hard at work in the mobile field bakery .
11 It is time to treat the spectators as paying customers and look after them .
12 It is time to give the angels something to sing about .
13 But I do believe it is time to include the people who play rugby in decisions on how they should play rugby . ’
14 Women may feed their husbands or lovers with energy and then , after a while , change tack , deciding that it is time to draw the tide of emotional response towards themselves .
15 If you are serious about this , it is time to set the tables for breakfast . ’
16 ‘ I assure you , Caroline , when I decide it is time to take a wife , I will choose the correct one for a man in my position . ’
17 That we can , must , involve the reader , make the reader participate in the feeling we are trying to represent ; and we learn , too , that there are some subjects , like this one , so powerful in themselves that they require the simplest narration when it is time to take the reader to the climax .
18 That , according to the IRB , has largely been achieved and now , in the aftermath of the phenomenal success of the World Cup , the IRB think it is time to take the game to the world .
19 Pausing long enough at Bingen to have a coffee and look at maps , I decide it is time to abandon the Rhine for a while and cut up the valley of the river Nahe towards Idar-Oberstein and the Palatinate Forest .
20 It is time to bring the staff of primary and secondary schools into line to recognise that there is no argument for giving 15-year-olds more teachers than seven-year-olds .
21 It is time to bring the abortion law in Northern Ireland in line with majority opinion . ’
22 Given the inconclusive nature of the evidence on patterns of performance and the negative connotations of ‘ underachievement ’ it is time to drop the term and refer instead to relative levels of achievement .
23 It is time to make a decision .
24 Then it is time to make a tipping policy .
25 ‘ Eh bien , my friends , ’ he said , brushing a crumb of cheese straw from the lapel of his immaculately pressed suit , ‘ it is time to make the beginning .
26 Surely it is time to make an effort to reduce the drug bill .
27 Mr Loyden had asked the Premier to ‘ acknowledge the fact that it is time to repay the debt that we owe to the Merchant Navy , which lost 30,000-plus seamen during the war years ’ .
28 It is time to prepare the evening meal of beans , peanut sauce , rice , cassava or sweet potato ; if we are lucky we will have matooke .
29 Once you have chosen your core it is time to consider the rest of your army .
30 Now it is time to consider the area 's ethnic relationship as a whole to the Great-Russian heartland .
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