Example sentences of "it could [adv] [verb] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 With this sensitivity it could easily detect a shrimp from over a metre away for these crustaceans generate tiny electrical fields of up to one thousandth of a volt ( 0.2–1 millivolt ) per centimetre each time they flick their tails .
2 Conversion of a Nardus upland grassland to a rye grass ley would not produce as drastic an increase because it could anyway support a livestock grazing level significantly above that of wet moorland .
3 It could even put a question mark over the future of England captain and selector Graham Gooch , whose fitness and discipline regime have become a hallmark of the current side , and which Gower has had some difficulty fitting in with .
4 The IMF could offer secure finance , in contrast to the holders of short-term sterling balances , but it could also exact a price .
5 It could also represent a problem-solving type of investment .
6 It could also mean a study of an open-ended nature usually with a mathematical theme ( e.g. pattern spotting using numbers and/or shapes ) or shorter pieces of work prompted by the " what happens if … ? " type of question .
7 It could also mean a commitment to an East Coast motorway or improved rail services to the North-East . ’
8 It could also set a precedent for other governments — like Thailand and Malaysia — which have both pushed boat people back out to sea .
9 It could also have a bearing on its unusual style — no verbal testimonies from friends and colleagues , no old archive footage , just Van getting royally stoned on the music with some mates .
10 ‘ Completing your dog-training course could take a couple of months but it could also take a couple of years because of the waiting period . ’
11 In this way , the company was guaranteed a yearly income and it could thus pursue a programme policy that was developed with little regard for the wishes of the audience .
12 The Society prospered , although at its 1852 annual public tea it could hardly hold a Christmas cheese and wine party members were saddened by the numbers that had fallen from grace once the hay and corn harvests had been collected .
13 It could now face a flood of prosecutions across the country .
14 What was crucial here as far as Chicago was concerned was that it could now boast a movie theatre as good as anything in New York and that the movies had been decisively disassociated from ‘ immoral ’ ragtime music by now being coupled with the Symphony .
15 Three weeks later the high command again said hands off , with a reminder that it could still mount a coup .
16 While a wealth tax would be difficult and cumbersome to administer , it could perhaps form a part of a total or partial replacement to existing income taxes .
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