Example sentences of "it would have been [adj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 With up to 8Mb on the motherboard there probably is n't any need for expansion if the machine is used solely as a network station , but it would 've been nice to find a PCMCIA slot for something like a modem .
2 It would have been foolhardy to risk weakening it at a time when the Cold War was about to turn hot in Korea .
3 It would have been unremarkable had this been done through the publication of explanatory leaflets and brochures emanating from the Ministry of Transport .
4 This being the case it would have been good to have had some assessment of Kellner 's copy of the cello suites , recently issued in facsimile by Bärenreiter together with Anna Magdalena 's copy and two others .
5 It would have been invaluable to know what it was they really wanted from their association with the Ping Tiao .
6 " The subsequent court case was heard at Lewes when the boat 's owner pleaded guilty , but his accomplice pleaded ignorance and managed to get away without a prison sentence , his excuse being that once he realised what was happening he felt obliged to remain on board as it would have been dangerous to leave the owner alone to handle the boat with a load of passengers .
7 He used juxtaposition to emphasize his moral interpretation of events , and also to imply political comments , when it would have been dangerous to speak openly .
8 Zak raised his eyes vaguely in my direction but it would have been tactless to disrupt the thoughts behind them , so I pressed on forward , traversing the dayniter and the sleeping cars and arriving at the forward dome car .
9 It would have been tactless to reveal that Sybil was the author .
10 By the time he came back , Herbert was too big to be ringed , so it would have been illegal to sell him .
11 I mean this talks about what this particular booklet does , and and why we 're saying , it would have been useful to have had this probably for our last meeting really .
12 There is much ignorance among the public about these issues and it would have been helpful to see a sensible letter about this problem in the context of our literature .
13 In doing this it would have been helpful to include profitability or value added as the independent variable but in all countries there were many companies which did not know or would not release these figures in relation to individual products .
14 It would have been stupid to say I was n't going to sleep with him , because I knew I would .
15 Erm but I I would have thought that it would have been necessary to examine that sector against all the others before reaching any conclusion as to whether or not i it could be more successfully assimilated into the landscape of that sector as opposed to anywhere else .
16 They speculated on how far it would have been necessary to travel to obtain the stone , and whether one could precisely locate its origin .
17 If she 'd been staying on the boat for any length of time it would have been necessary to find somewhere to go for a shower or a bath , but it did n't look as if that particular problem would arise .
18 Although Coleman still had qualms about the misuse of media credentials , foreseeing a time when immigration officials around the world would automatically assume that any visiting journalist was a spy , it would have been hypocritical to complain .
19 It would have been ridiculous to write about Marilyn Monroe [ he is the author of Goddess ] without covering her sex life , or indeed to write a biography of anyone without discussing sexuality .
20 ‘ Without Pauline ’ , he says , ‘ it would have been impossible to carry on .
21 Theodora was aware of an intimacy into which it would have been impossible to intrude .
22 On the German side I interviewed Baron von Mullenheim-Rechberg , the Bismarck 's fourth gunnery officer and senior surviving officer , a former assistant naval attaché at the German Embassy in London without whose fluent and colloquial English it would have been impossible to give the film the necessary balance .
23 It would have been impossible to predict the way events developed after October 1917 , and the policy of the Party seemed on numerous grounds to be the most sensible , the only one which went some way to reconciling the need for large economic units ( which , rightly or wrongly , was assumed to be decisive for material progress ) and for democracy , understood as the right of peoples to choose their own State .
24 ‘ As no one could have foreseen the sharp fall in the base rate after Black Wednesday , it would have been impossible to predict that variable rates and the cost of fixed rate mortgages would have fallen so far . ’
25 During Franco , it would have been impossible to do Law Of Desire .
26 It would have been impossible to circle it with police .
27 The words were said with such good humour and aggressive sureness that it would have been impossible to take offence .
28 It would have been impossible to get her to eat if there was the slightest bit of tension in her .
29 One might perhaps have expected that it would have been impossible to discharge him from hospital , but the local authority , which shares parental responsibility for him , has been able to place him with devoted foster parents whose dedication and skill are of the highest possible order .
30 I would not take office under MacDonald , and yet it would have been impossible to have refused .
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