Example sentences of "it would [verb] be [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 if we had taken the most recent trend , it would have been over the last three years .
2 Characteristically within traditional professions such as Law and Medicine , it would have been beyond the bounds of decency to put any of one 's peers or the profession itself in a morally ambiguous or cynical light .
3 This implies that the number of jobs associated with any given level of output in the economy will be smaller than it would have been without the technological advances .
4 First , it was easier for a disembodied voice like de Gaulle to " assume " France than it would have been for a more recognizable figure , about whom people had already formed settled views .
5 But the dollar 's weight , 21.9% , was double what it would have been on a purely trade-weighted basis , so its slide between 1985 and 1990 dragged the krona down against ERM currencies .
6 Schwartzman and Volk reckon that weathering was helped along to such an extent that the Earth is 35°C cooler than it would have been on the lifeless Earth .
7 Some of it I ca n't disclose , some of it would have been on the lines of : ‘ Make sure you do this or that ’ .
8 He spoke and evidently felt strongly of the degradation that it would have been to the parry to have elected a leader by secret ballot .
9 ‘ No , ’ said McAllister in her turn , face white , and trembling as though to lose her post would be the tragedy which it would have been to the servant she was pretending to be .
10 To imagine what it would have been like a hundred years ago , when men were swinging over the cliffs on ropes made of horsehair , and climbing the soaring pinnacles of Stac Lee and Stac an Armin to harvest the gugas , the young gannets which would ensure they survived the next winter .
11 Sunderland defender Terry Butcher admitted : ‘ If Derby had scored it would have been like the Alamo .
12 It was soft , but as brisk and clear as it would have been in the middle of the day .
13 A reconstruction ( looking NW ) of the area of the Atlas works of Simpson , Maule & Nicholson , as it would have been in the 1860s .
14 Sometimes the contrast is not so clearly expressed for us in the twentieth century as it would have been in the first century , so we have to rely on commentaries to point out the way that the apostle was thinking .
15 He had offered to walk with her and obviously it would have been in the moonlight , house lights not withstanding .
16 And certainly it would have been , it would have been in the past .
17 It would have been in an excitable state and therefore would have been very dangerous .
18 Though everybody knew that the constitution of Sparta was behind the reputation of Spartan generals and soldiers , it would have been beneath the ordinary standards of Greek historical judgement to explain an individual victory or defeat as a product of the Spartan constitution .
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