Example sentences of "it will [adv] [vb infin] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So th the minus one does n't make a lot of difference , so as X is very , when X gets very big , it 'll just look like Y equals X squared , taking one off if
2 It 's good , but it 's you know , it 'll fight er with anything , any sort of beer or whisky or any of these things , but it 'll also fight with cough bottles .
3 I , I know where it come from , it 'll probably come from East Sussex down at er , the vineyard near erm
4 ‘ I know it was awfully cheap : it 'll probably fall to bits , it ca n't really be cashmere .
5 In the new TV era , it 'll probably count as quality .
6 Too many early messages of ‘ Do n't get excited , it 'll only end in tears ’ have become etched in the mind .
7 Can items for the management team executive committee , I think I have three , erm one is to say that the the title of the total quality programme is going to be improvement through quality , in which case that 's the , that 's the phraseology which we should use from now on , is it like , it 'll actually abbreviate to I Q rather than T Q.
8 ‘ Finally on the seventh day , I thought that , being Catholic , they 'd rest , but still unfed and unwatered , each pony was blindfolded and tacked up , and Raimundo got on each one 's back , and whipped it and whipped it out into the pampas , until the pony 's spirit was completely broken , and it 'll never argue with man again .
9 For example , if the current exchange rate is £1 = $1.50 and speculators believe that it will shortly rise to £1 = $1.75 , then if they are correct they will make a 25c per £1 profit by holding sterling .
10 Choosing Choose fruit that 's just softening ; it will soon ripen at room temperature .
11 It will instantly vanish into cover if disturbed , but when resting , it has a habit of lying on its side on the bottom .
12 Thus , the rule predicts raising and lengthening in the following items : John , moss , pod , frost , robbing ; it will however fail in items such as mossy , pot , vodka , comic , Robby .
13 It will ultimately lead to improvements in yield .
14 It will also meet with resistance from some of the groups that stand to gain from such policies because of the grip that the ideology of inequality has on British society .
15 It will also lead to difficulties at the conclusion of the case when you come to bill .
16 It will also vary from child to child and will have varying results according to the stage of development which any child has reached .
17 It will also grow from seed sown in late spring , with protection , planting out about six weeks later .
18 It will also take into account how a ban might affect the Trusts 's ability to purchase or lease land and its prospects for gifts and bequests .
19 Novell says it will also work with HyperDesk and the Object Management Group to ensure that these interfaces remain compatible with future industry standards .
20 On its way into Alton it will also call at Lord Mayor Treloar Hospital . ’
21 This has an unavoidable knock-on effect on Western Europe , as evidenced by the revival of the ‘ German question ’ , and it will eventually lead to Washington reappraising its security interests .
22 On 6 March the Copyright Office conducted the second of two hearings to gather testimony for the recommendations it will eventually make to Congress on artists ' re-sale royalties .
23 It will probably start on Boxing Day when we are right in the middle of winter .
24 It might be thrilling at first , but it will probably end in pain and tears .
25 IBM Corp is using the 88110 in its new X terminals but says it will probably migrate to PowerPC 601s when it 's got them in volume : a 40MHz 88110 offers roughly the performance of a 33MHz SuperSparc .
26 IBM is using it in its new X terminals but says it will probably migrate to PowerPC 601s when it 's got volumes .
27 It will normally sell for £12 but as an introductory offer the booklet is available for just £10 , until 31st August 1992 , direct from Alison Duguid , .
28 It remains to be seen how the ITC will go about monitoring compliance with the statutory duties — it will certainly come under pressure to punish television stations which infringe the more detailed codes issued by the Broadcasting Standards Council and which suffer regular adverse adjudications from the Broadcasting Complaints Commission .
29 ‘ Rupert and the Green Dragon ’ is produced by the same people who brought ‘ Postman Pat and ‘ Fireman Sam ’ to the Opera House so it will obviously appeal to children who love to see their favourite characters on stage .
30 The current product , however , suffers from some drawbacks , not least the poor legibility of its screen , and while it may have some powerful ‘ look it up ’ reference applications it will never succeed in circumstances where the reading of continuous text is important .
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