Example sentences of "it be in [det] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Oh , I bought a new coat as well , it 's in that other box .
2 It would n't have been on the books if I ever seen blatant sectarianism at its worst it 's in that bloody motion .
3 It 's in that wee box .
4 It is in that latter role that Fodor ( 1976 ) has exploited the use of ‘ translation ’ and made the inference that the lower-level code must therefore mean the same as the higher-level code , thus arguing in effect against what I called ‘ implementation independence ’ .
5 It is in that long preparation that we can see how profoundly secularisation has changed our civilisation .
6 The horrible irony is that it is in that very surrender that community itself is founded .
7 The sight of teenage fathers is striking because it is in such stark contrast with the role of their own fathers , who were n't seen pushing prams when they were nineteen .
8 Rhythm in ballet is not therefore a mere time-keeper as it is in such social ballroom dances as waltzes and fox-trots .
9 As we shall see in Chapter 3 , this conception of measurement , although originally proposed as an account of scientific measurement in general , bears only a superficial relationship to much of measurement in science which is an activity much more integral to substantive theories than it is in most social research .
10 It is in this vast area of the unknown that transcendent beauty resides , When we clothe an object in the garments of this unknowable , our souls respond and we are moved .
11 Metal detectors designed especially for the professional and hobbyist markets represent just a tiny fraction of the Garrett electronics empire , but it is in this latter sphere that the Garrett name comes to life .
12 It is in this latter style that the sole survivor , 167 — has been restored for the Centenary celebrations .
13 It is in this latter sense that very often it is claimed that the Conservative Party is advocating an incomes policy , by which is simply meant that the policies which we advocate would , we believe , have as a result the stability of money values and thus have the effect that increases in earnings were real and not merely monetary .
14 Nationalist feelings may well be ameliorated in relations between industrialised countries by the interdependence discussed above ; this will not be the case when the industrialised country is dealing with a less developed state , yet it is in this latter kind of country where nationalism may be most strongly manifested .
15 It is in this new phase that the train and the atmosphere of the poem come alive .
16 Nevertheless , the concept of a belt in which the signs of Variscan compression rapidly die out northwards is , if neither scientifically correct nor consistent , at least a practical one and firmly entrenched , and it is in this general sense that the term is used in this paper .
17 It is in this general perspective , aimed at demonstrating the link between the relations of production and the nature of the systems in which they were located , that Marx and Engels turned to the available anthropological information on pre-literate people .
18 It is in this general climate that community policing has been reintroduced in recent years in many forces in Great Britain with the expressed intention of improving both crime prevention and relations between the police and the community ( cf. Gordon 1987 ) .
19 Yet it is in this dangerous arrogance , that the politician can know a person 's needs better than the person himself , that the seeds of bureaucratic authoritarianism lie .
20 It is in this social-theoretical context that we can understand Bourdieu 's effectively poststructural challenge to Lévi-Strauss 's and Althusser 's eminently modernist conceptions of scientific objectivity and autonomous structures .
21 It is in this wider context that the departmental system of budgeting becomes inadequate .
22 It is in this complex procedure that ‘ slippage ’ occurs .
23 It is in this very area that European theology can start to communicate with that of Latin America , and this exchange of experiences and ideas on theology and communication can begin to inspire the different Christian traditions to look for a common language .
24 It is in this conflictual dialogue that the meanings of ‘ race ’ , racism and antiracism are forged , broken and remade .
25 It is in this rarefied atmosphere that IBM may find the key to once again making itself the preferred partner of big business — a role that it has not recently played to sufficiently enthusiastic reviews .
26 It is in this inherited conception of the equality of all human beings that the people of the Lake District provided a contrast to the rest of England ; Wordsworth therefore believed that ‘ humble and rustic ’ men were not yet corrupted .
27 It is in this ambiguous mode between paraphrase and commentary that de Man articulates his most extreme propositions about the nature of language .
28 It is in this responsible way that we use the word " waste " as an imperative command .
29 It is in this prayerful meditation that mystics say that they receive an illumination of the reality of God over and above anything they can reach by their own efforts .
30 It is in this last capacity that Hitler 's image as perceived by his loyal ‘ following ’ — functioning within the framework of ‘ charismatic politics ’ — played its crucial role , as not only the leaders of Party and State , but those in responsible intermediary positions — whether for ideological reasons or for a variety of careerist or other motives little related in essence to principled hatred of Jews — ‘ read ’ Hitler 's vaguely expressed ‘ intent ’ as a green light for radicalizing actions which developed their own dynamic and momentum .
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