Example sentences of "it be [noun prp] [pers pn] had [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Oliver said that could have been easily accomplished by telling Shildon where they really were and if it were Shildon she had heard going through a desk in the typists ' room he must already have found out .
2 Her mouth opened and shut ; then looking at Maggie she said , ‘ You silly daft lump , I thought you were joking and it was Simon you had brought back . ’
3 And if some malicious god had n't decreed it was Slane she had to go to , or Slane where he lived , things might have been very different .
4 Then she discovered that it was Travis she had to thank that the news of her engagement to his cousin was all over Vasey 's , as , still smiling , he stated , ‘ Hope you do n't mind , Naylor , but I came in earlier to have a quick word with Leith , and could n't resist telling her assistant that a possible reason for Leith being late this morning could be her getting engaged to you at the weekend . ’
5 Who this might be he could not tell , but if it was Balliol he had donned more clothing , which seemed unlikely , in the rush .
6 The fears of the city builders were , it seems , justified after all , and it was God they had to fear .
7 I knew if it had been the other way round , if it was Robert I had to ask , he would have said , ‘ On yer bike . ’ ’
8 Doris gave Wickham a cheerful smile and said in a pleasantly modified Cockney accent that she was positive it was MacQuillan she had seen .
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