Example sentences of "it be [adv] [prep] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 No matter how familiar with literary works you become , you can not focus equally on all parts of a text ( particularly a long text , such as a novel ) : so you need to decide which parts of it are most worth reading closely and writing about .
2 Erm yeah so I mean that 's generally the way to go so I th I think you know it 's probably worth working away towards a , a more specific set of questions that you might want to ask and , and think of ways of administering them so you get some sort of , you know , numerical information in the end .
3 Er I think it 's just worth mentioning again that it 's still on and er I , I think er it is really more important than ever now for us to impress on Chris what good work we do because er of the changing situation within the industry .
4 Er I think it 's also worth noting again chairman here that er in fact most of the hundred and forty five hectares that we 've been talking about er is in fact already committed
5 But it 's a really good place to go to if you 've got a any spare time and I 'm sure spare time , it 's well worth going there , erm you can hire bikes .
6 but I do n't think it 's really worth worrying too much about whether he 's fascist or communist because erm the only reason really there 's only link between him and Russia and the play is A is the opposite of America , in other words George and B because his name Khrushchev which links it to the leader of the er
7 And for that reason I try never to look back at what I 've played ; it 's more like living right now , while I 'm playing .
8 Yeah , but it 's still worth checking though .
9 It is generally worth having as much as 150mm of insulation in most homes , although the comparatively shallow depth of most ceiling joists means that you may have to lay the insulation across the tops of the joists to achieve the required thickness .
10 If you already have a suitable microphone it is well worth trying though .
11 It is in the nature of the work that we often ask children to make difficult decisions in drama ; if the class are finding the process difficult it is well worth reflecting publicly on that : " I ca n't imagine anyone would find a decision like this easy . "
12 It is well worth visiting just as a tourist or to do the five-hour walk along the bottom of the gorge .
13 It is well worth putting aside a portion of your points to buy magic standards , for those units that are permitted them , and magic items for your leaders .
14 It is also worth mentioning here that the PRO 's job should be a two-way one .
15 It is also worth noting here that the only mid-Tertiary movements in northern Europe that can be called an orogeny are in Spitsbergen , where we find the last expression of an Atlantic compressive line clearly preserved down the west coast , presumably reflecting the continued grinding together of the northernmost tip of the European plate with that of Greenland .
16 However , it is always worth considering either the chairman or managing director for training and possibly one or two other members of the board .
17 It is only after listening again to my tape-recording of our meeting that I hear him eventually say in his educated , upper-class Dublin accent : ‘ Well , over 90 per cent of people who get raped are not injured in that rape . ’
18 I am Cambridged out , and it is only by getting away from the familiar that anything good will ( I hope ) emerge .
19 However they put aside their competitiveness ( the Caledonian and Balmoral in Edinburgh , for example , are fighting for exactly the same guests ) because they know that it is only by working together , as one body , that they will attract visitors to Scotland in the first place .
20 It is only by going too far sometimes , ’ he said , ‘ that we know we have gone far enough . ’
21 It is perhaps worth commenting here that informants in this type of study are not usually unhappy about being tape-recorded ; Peter Trudgill ( 1986b ) has suggested that people are now generally familiar with recording equipment and relaxed about being recorded .
22 It is perhaps worth saying again that this argument for a rational basis for pedagogy does not imply that everything about good teaching can be reduced to what is rational .
23 It is perhaps worth recording here , particularly for the benefit of Alan , to whom I am copying this letter , that the idea , while being born out of a most pleasant lunch with Terri Peralla , stands up well in my view to critical evaluation .
24 It is perhaps worth noting briefly at this point a special type of recurrent semantic relationship between lexical units sharing a lexical form , which is of particular significance in lexical semantics ( it is discussed in greater detail in connection with markedness and neutralisation in chapter 11 ) .
25 But it is perhaps worth noticing here that firms have not been conspicuously forthcoming with offers to fund the schools , and the DES itself has had to put up considerable sums to support the first of them .
26 Her clasp , quickly released , was surprisingly strong but it was still like holding briefly a disconnected set of bones loosely enclosed in dry suede .
27 It was all about preparing properly , having pride and big hearts and playing to the best of your ability at the right time .
28 It was only on glancing again at his watch at three minutes to one and wondering what time the Substitute would turn up that he realized that the Substitute was the reason why .
29 It was only by issuing rather unconvincing threats of his disapproval that Peggy could keep the girl in line .
30 In Couturier v. Hastie , the House of Lords said it was a matter of construing the contract and it was only after doing so , that their Lordships held that the buyer had not agreed to buy a spes and that the contract was therefore void .
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