Example sentences of "it be [adj] [adv] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Thanking Donal for his kindness , and giving him a friendly hug , she dutifully took the road he indicated — and then Ellie , being Ellie , decided would n't it be nice just to have a peek at the Wicklow mountains ?
2 It 's not quite the smallest of all the seeds , but nevertheless it 's small enough to make a proverbial point like tall as a house , or small as a mouse , small as a grain of mustard seed .
3 It 's small enough to have a sort of family atmosphere . ’
4 It 's easy enough to tap a telephone line , even if it 's digitally encoded , provided you can get to the exchange , or a junction box .
5 It 's easy enough to make a little girl believe in religion when she 's in a convent .
6 It 's easy enough to find a President , but not everybody can improve the economy . ’
7 It 's safe enough to put a bit of speed on from here . ’
8 It 's bad enough to have a son of mine in this place .
9 It 's bad enough having a seriously ill child without all having to be split up .
10 ‘ And I did n't ring Em because it 's hard enough to get a job in any place as a married woman without having hysterical daughters ringing up crying for Mamma .
11 It 's advisable therefore to assume a sociable demeanour and tolerate the company of your fellow man , rejoicing in his plain humanity all over the path .
12 It 's important always to keep a patient 's mouth clean and moist — you will of course need their co-operation in doing this .
13 It 's difficult enough to persuade a PC to do what you want normally , and the added complications of network access only compound the problem , particularly if you 're assembling it yourself .
14 If you can make out the lyrics — and it 's difficult enough to find a song in this aural tirade — you 'll be subconsciously ordered to slaughter small children on the bus home .
15 A pond does n't have to be large to be effective — if it 's big enough to install a small submersible pump you could even have a fountain .
16 It 's big enough to hide a body in . ’
17 I mean anybody else would of made do with a little bedroom , I mean it 's big enough to get a bed and a dressing table and what in , and it 's bigger , it 's a lot bigger than mine
18 It is appropriate here to take a look at the beginning of the Blackburn Valley section from Woodburn towards Rotherham .
19 Having considered open and closed-loop control separately in the last two chapters , it is appropriate perhaps to include a short discussion on the relationship between , and relative merits of , the two control methods .
20 However , although ‘ action ’ is to be construed liberally I can not accept that it is wide enough to embrace a non-legal process such as a statutory demand .
21 More will be said about this in Chapter 2 , but it is necessary here to make a distinction between my comparisons and those which are associated with traditional case studies , including the case study material presented by Dickens et al .
22 This is something to bear in mind when choosing your hotel room in a Basque village : it is picturesque assuredly to have a view of the frontón from your window , but it might not seem such a good idea if they start playing when you want to go to sleep .
23 When transplanting leeks , water the soil thoroughly if it is dry then dibble a hole for each plant about 4–6in deep .
24 It is impossible quickly to reposition a capital-intensive business flexibility is seldom one of its features .
25 If a fork results from repeats in the genome ( and is therefore likely to violate the neighbourhood rules given below ) , it is reasonable simply to make a break in the contig because it represents a limit of the experimental technique used and other approaches using longer probes or clones may help to close the gap .
26 It is rare nowadays to find a research council able to live within its means and reasonably happy with its situation , but that is the impression that the Natural Environment Research Council ( NERC ) put over when it launched its annual report .
27 It is significant that very few women used and abused the male body in the way that their male colleagues manipulated female flesh , indeed it is rare even to find a male nude among the work of women surrealists .
28 Twenty years ago I would have been back that same night , but I 've learned since then that it is rare indeed to enjoy a repeat performance .
29 It is easy enough to hold an opinion , but hard work to actually know what one is talking about .
30 It is easy enough to programme a computer to direct spacecraft towards a long succession of likely stars , to carry out simple tests to establish whether any of the planets of those stars might be capable of sustaining life , and , when appropriate , to dump consignments of spores into the planet 's atmosphere .
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