Example sentences of "it be [adj] [conj] he is " in BNC.

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1 And it 's obvious that he is just crazy about you , honey .
2 If it 's true and he is alive where has he been all this time ?
3 It is curious that he is dying as picturesquely as he lived , ’ wrote Mr Gosse .
4 It is curious that he is commemorated in the ASB simply as a bishop ; for he was seldom if ever present in his diocese during the great Church festivals of the year .
5 It is emotional because he is saying goodbye to the last of his kind .
6 Beccaria starts by looking at the justification of the right to punish ; he concludes that it is to be found in the social contract whose central tenet he declares to be ‘ the greatest happiness of the greatest number ’ ( it is possible that he is responsible for originating this particular cliché ) .
7 Between 1193 and 1201 it is possible that he is to be identified with a master Elias , steward to Gilbert de Glanville , bishop of Rochester [ q.v. ] , a close friend and kinsman of Hubert Walter .
8 It is possible that he is the Benjamin Badham , son of John Badham of Pembridge , gentleman , who matriculated at Brasenose College , Oxford , on 8 April 1701 , aged twenty-four .
9 However , it is unlikely that he is to be identified with Lothar , colleague of the great Romanist Pillius , whom the convent of Canterbury sought to enlist in June or July 1187 in the course of their great struggle with the archbishop .
10 He was licensed to hear confessions in the Lincoln diocese on 11 October 1300 , and it is likely that he is the Thomas Sutton who preached in Oxford on 23 November 1292 , and 1 March and 24 May 1293 .
11 Although it is clear that he is committed to making changes , he has taken up fluent corporation-speak surprisingly quickly .
12 From his own statements , it is clear that he is word-perfect in his familiarity with the prophetic books of the Old Testament , can quote them at will , can move among them with the facility and expertise of a professional scholar .
13 Even without knowing the standpoint of Snowden , it is clear that he is condemnatory .
14 It is imperative that he is caught very , very quickly .
15 It is sufficient if he is shown to be intentionally using violence or if he is aware that his conduct may be violent .
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