Example sentences of "it be [prep] no [noun sg] [verb] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 It 's of no use to have 70kg ( 1501b ) lines and links of lower strength values .
2 It is of no use to put forward a partial plan for the revitalization of our education .
3 It is of no use to go half-way to meet the objective and to fall short in this aim .
4 It is of no use to bemoan the existence of such competition .
5 The local authority will have all the information that would reveal the danger , but , surprisingly , it is under no obligation to volunteer this information , either in a development permit or otherwise — it 's the absence of such an obligation that has recently been the source of hardship and complaint .
6 Having instituted proceedings against its two citizens , it is under no obligation to extradite them to either the US or UK .
7 It is under no obligation to extradite the two suspects .
8 The authority may issue a second reminder notice , but it is under no obligation to do so .
9 I think Sussex has got to find a new , new hat , and got to express itself and demonstrate that it is in no sense relying on twenty five years of erm of erm fairly high reputation that the next twenty five years and the next twenty five years after that are just as challenging , perhaps even more so .
10 That committee has already rubber-stamped the scheme but , to be fair , it is in no position to challenge it .
11 It is in no way intended to replace any treatment you may be having from a doctor , consultant or practitioner .
12 Those who advocated it argued that it was of no use to abolish selection at 11 + , in the name of justice and fairness , and then reintroduce selection a few months later , by streaming children once at school .
13 Mandamus , in any case discretionary , he was told , would not issue to no purpose ; and it was to no purpose to suggest that there were any such grounds on which the enactment of parliamentary legislation could be resisted ( Ex p .
14 Consequently , it was in no sense intended to provide basic facts about sociolinguistic patterns in the city , but rather to obtain quite specific and limited linguistic information .
15 In eighty three , when it was obvious that the Conservatives were gon na win because then if you , if , this is history now , but the Labour Party was led by Michael Foot then , it was it was in no shape to win the election in erm the Conservatives were , were led by Thatcher , she was on a high after the Falklands War , the Conservatives romped home .
16 Terling was a well-defined social unit , its villagers well aware of their special identity , yet it was in no way isolated from the surrounding parishes , for a majority of the adult population of the village had experience of living in other communities .
17 It is , of course , important to remind ourselves that the Council went out of its way , for instance , to reiterate that it was in no way contradicting Vatican I and instances of contradiction should not be lightly proposed .
18 We were seriously examining an event of social consequence , ’ Nicholson still maintains , ‘ and it was in no way meant to be exploitive . ’
19 He was able to plan with precision and enthusiasm the date of his own retirement , to look forward to it because it was in no way forced upon him , and to believe that he would be remembered with affection and regret .
20 This prerogative was exercisable in times of quiet as well as of emergency and it was in no way fettered or reduced by the enactment of legislation like the Police Act .
21 It was the most united of the three parties , and , having adopted a socialist constitution in 1918 , it was in no mood to form a coalition with either of the ‘ capitalist ’ parties .
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