Example sentences of "it be [prep] a [noun sg] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If we are to go out of the Cup then let it be to a side packed with international stars .
2 What life will it be for a child stuck in here ? ’
3 Then , and only then , will it be in a position to force political parties to act .
4 Yet the polls show that most voters want inflation stopped , and the main opposition , the Workers ' party , while formally denouncing the plan as ‘ authoritarian , demagogic , privatising and favourable to foreign capital ’ , may merely wish it were in a position to do likewise .
5 So changing into the future , you can do it at any time , what it actually means , it 'll affects the next month 's premiums , and switching , er , it 's on a bid to bid basis , from one fund to the other , and we charge them eighteen pounds per occasion .
6 ‘ Exactly , but I 'm afraid it 's on a need to know basis .
7 It 's about a fellow called Ronnie , who is on the dole .
8 Yes , it 's in a building attached to the wall of the Convent , so that it 's people can walk in off the street directly into The Porch .
9 For the international people there are civil laws , by which they companies have to provide what we call indemnities for the person who works and these indemnities go according to certain formulas , which is known by everybody , and it 's in a way protecting them after they leave .
10 And when you come out of Finchley Road Station , it 's in a place called .
11 It 's in a book called Fairy Tales for Little Folk . ’
12 It 's from a poem called ‘ My Will and Testament ’ by Slowacki .
13 it 's like a cartoon have you seen it ?
14 It 's like a pilot having opinions about aeroplanes , nobody thinks that 's odd .
15 And it became er I think more people 's perception of it now is that it 's like a bloke bonking birds on stage , it 's nothing like that .
16 But the trees on their own , it 's like a scene waiting for something happen .
17 ‘ When I came such a strategy to the Wall Street Journal : ‘ It 's like a company choosing a franchise : you want one on a busy corner , not in the middle of nowhere . ’
18 It 's like a man takes you out for a meal and he 's thinking , ‘ I let her have an horsd'oeuvre , so I can definitely ask her to wear the handcuffs later on . ' ’
19 It 's like a dream come true , ’ said Mrs Schooling yesterday at her home in Duns , Berwickshire .
20 It 's like a golfer trying to knock a one iron or a two iron into the green .
21 It 's like a cricketer feeling good because he 's scoring runs . ’
22 I tell you , it 's like a burden gone from my shoulders . ’
23 It 's like a mechanic letting someone drive off in a car with loose wheel nuts .
24 Alaska 's Attorney General described the decision as " extremely unfortunate " , adding : " It 's like a murderer shooting someone , calling the police to report it , and receiving immunity . "
25 It 's like a carpet underlay through life .
26 It 's like a time bomb you carry round with you , ’ Arty said , ‘ and the alarm might n't go off for twenty-five years . ’
27 It seemed unlikely ) : ‘ When I 'm with him , it 's like a light goes on inside my head .
28 It 's like a train hitting you .
29 It 's near a place called Hackballs Cross , a nothing place , a couple of houses scattered on the map .
30 WHEN KIERON steps up onto the stage it is with a determination to trip the light fantastic and provide the evening with some of its more mellow moments .
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